Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:16 am EDT

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Security : Check your index.php

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Registered: 01/14/05
Posts: 1569
Location:la rochelle, France
The main index.php file size is 16198 for the last geeklog release. If the size is different you have been hacked. To avoid this, add a fresh index.php in a secret folder out of your public_html folder, and add this code in your lib_custom.php file:
Text Formatted Code

//Security check
$filename = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'index.php';
if (filesize($filename) <> 16198) {
        if (!copy($_CONF['path'] . 'my_secret_folder/index.php', $filename)) {
                $message = "Failed to replace index.php";
        } else {
                $message = "index.php was replaced!";
        COM_mail($_CONF['site_mail'], $_CONF['site_name']. ' hacked!', $message);

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