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Mdigest; admin link blinking

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Registered: 01/14/05
Posts: 1569
Location:la rochelle, France
With Mdigest plugin, need to have an admin link blinking as a reminder when a digest is ready to send to users:

Text Formatted Code
function plugin_getadminoption_mdigest()

    if (SEC_hasRights('user.mail')) {
        if ($_CONF['emailstories'] == 1) {
            $lastrun = DB_getItem ($_TABLES['vars'], 'value', "name = 'lastemailedstories'");
            $storysql = "SELECT sid FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE draft_flag = 0 AND date <= NOW() AND date >= '{$lastrun}'";
            $result = DB_query ($storysql);
            $count = DB_numRows ($result);
        } else {
            $count = 0;

        if ($count == 0) {
            return array ($LANG_MDIGEST['mdigest'],
                      $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/mdigest/index.php',
        } else {
            $js = " $('.blink').each(function() {
                var elem = $(this);
                setInterval(function() {
                    if (elem.css('visibility') == 'hidden') {
                        elem.css('visibility', 'visible');
                    } else {
                        elem.css('visibility', 'hidden');
                }, 500);
            $_SCRIPTS->setJavaScript($js, true);
            return array ('<strong><span class="blink">' . $LANG_MDIGEST['mdigest'] . '</span></strong>',
                      $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/mdigest/index.php',
                      '<strong>' .  $count . '</strong>');

Cool Ben
I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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