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Right block always on problem with GL2.0

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I turned on the right blocks always on option in configuration because I don't want it to disappear when the full story is displayed.

However, I don't want it on administration pages because it takes away some needed space for administration.

In the older versions, I could turn on the right blocks for stories only by editing the article.php, by setting $display .= COM_siteFooter (true);

Now I don't see this in the article.php in GL.2.0.

So now if we want the right blocks to show with the articles, we also have to put up with them in administration.

Please tell me if there is any way around to have no right blocks on admin pages.

Actually, if I know how to turn on the right blocks only for the full story page, that would be enough.



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We hope at some point to allow a different theme for the Administration (along with topics). I believe Geeklog Japan may even have a hack for it (Problably just for 1.8.1 though).

As of Geeklog 2.0.0 (see story) we have replaced COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter with COM_createHTMLDocument:

Here is a quote from the above article: As of Geeklog 2.0.0 we have added a new function called COM_createHTMLDocument that will eventually completely replace COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter. Geeklog 2.0.0 and all of the core plugins have been converted to use COM_createHTMLDocument but COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter have been left in to be backwards compatible for all older plugins. The main advantage of using COM_createHTMLDocument is that it allows the plugin to create the HTML page all at once. This means that if code needs to be add to the header (say by an autotag located low in a page) it now can be if the plugin uses COM_createHTMLDocument. The Geeklog Development Team strongly suggest when upgrading your plugins that you take the time to convert all your calls to COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter, to COM_createHTMLDocument.

In the older versions, I could turn on the right blocks for stories only by editing the article.php, by setting $display .= COM_siteFooter (true);

This still can be done but you just have to change the call to COM_createHTMLDocument like so around line 450 in article.php:

Text Formatted Code

$display = COM_createHTMLDocument($display, array('pagetitle' => $pagetitle, 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'headercode' => $headercode, 'rightblock' => true));

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Thanks, Laugh. That took care of what I needed.

One more question regarding v.2.0. I saw some Dynamic Blocks automatically installed by the plugins. But I don't see any way to turn them off or move them around. Are they movable?

I use Denim theme, with two column layout, and with the left column turned off. One of the plugins I installed, placed the block on the left column. Since I can't move it to the right, I just had to turn that plugin off for now.

I read the documentation and there seems to be only instructions for plugin developers, but not for users.

So my question is how can I move the dynamic blocks around?



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As of Geeklog 2.0.0 (see story) we have replaced COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter with COM_createHTMLDocument:

Yea, how exactly does that work?
I'm working on a theme for 2.0 and it seems that sometimes it uses COM_createHTMLDocument and other times COM_siteHeader/COM_siteFooter.

I'm using theme versions of these functions and if I change the way rightblocks are displayed in COM_createHTMLDocument it is not consistant unless I make the same change in COM_siteFooter.

Exactly what benefit does removing the modularity of COM_siteHeader/COM_siteFooter into a single function give us?
Older plugins are still going to be using COM_siteHeader/COM_siteFooter and that means that I have to maintain the same changes in all three functions in my theme's functions.php


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Quote by: samstone

Thanks, Laugh. That took care of what I needed.

One more question regarding v.2.0. I saw some Dynamic Blocks automatically installed by the plugins. But I don't see any way to turn them off or move them around. Are they movable?

I use Denim theme, with two column layout, and with the left column turned off. One of the plugins I installed, placed the block on the left column. Since I can't move it to the right, I just had to turn that plugin off for now.

I read the documentation and there seems to be only instructions for plugin developers, but not for users.

So my question is how can I move the dynamic blocks around?



Dynamic blocks can be modified in the Plugin Configuration. We plan to add editing of Dynamic blocks to the block manager at a later date.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Registered: 09/27/05
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Quote by: suprsidr

As of Geeklog 2.0.0 (see story) we have replaced COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter with COM_createHTMLDocument:

Yea, how exactly does that work?
I'm working on a theme for 2.0 and it seems that sometimes it uses COM_createHTMLDocument and other times COM_siteHeader/COM_siteFooter.

I'm using theme versions of these functions and if I change the way rightblocks are displayed in COM_createHTMLDocument it is not consistant unless I make the same change in COM_siteFooter.

Exactly what benefit does removing the modularity of COM_siteHeader/COM_siteFooter into a single function give us?
Older plugins are still going to be using COM_siteHeader/COM_siteFooter and that means that I have to maintain the same changes in all three functions in my theme's functions.php


Geeklog 2.0.0 and the core plugins only use COM_createHTMLDocument now. A new version of the forum plugin will be released soon that uses COM_createHTMLDocument (and I believe a media gallery update is on the way as well). We left COM_siteHeader, COM_siteFooter in for backwards compatiblity with older plugins for now.

COM_createHTMLDocument generates the page at once instead of in pieces as COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter did. This means we have access to the complete page while blocks, etc are being generated which allows them (and autotags) to update the header if need be. It also allows for the theme to set the number of columns needed especially if the right blocks are placed in the footer. With the old way, COM_siteHeader was generated first, then the display, followed by the footer. Doing it this way prevented us from updating the header once COM_siteHeader was run.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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