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Open Graph Protocol plugin

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Open Graph Protocl (OGP) plugin is now available for download at Geeklog.net and my site

The plugin supports Open Graph Protocol(OGP) and allows you to run your Geeklog site in cooperation with web sites supporting OGP such as Facebook by producing <meta property="og:***" content="***"> tags.

Besides, the plugin allows you to display Facebook Like buttons and/or Facebook comments in your articles, static pages, calendar events, link categories, poll items and download files. You can set the kinds of contents in which to show Facebook Like button and/or Facebook comments in Configuration.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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Please create Facebook application : web application
You can use same application of OAuth support for the site.

Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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Open Graph Protocl (OGP) plugin is now available

Thank you Kenji, this is a very interesting plugin.

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Very interesting ... I will have to check this one out as well.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Open Graph Protocol (OGP) plugin v1.1.3 is available now.

After a fresh install of v1.1.2, which happened to be the first version published at www.geeklog.net, an error occurred when you try to set your Facebook user ID and Facebook App ID in Configuration.

Please download a bug-fixed version at www.geeklog.net or at my site.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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Thank you for this update.

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Quote by: ::Ben

Thank you for this update. Ben

Hi Ben,

v1.1.3 is still buggy. I already uploaded a fixed version (v1.1.4) to Geeklog.net, so please be patient.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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Yes I needed to change

Text Formatted Code
$_CONF_VALIDATE['ogp']['fb_user_ids']        = array('rule' => 'stringOrEmpty');
$_CONF_VALIDATE['ogp']['fb_app_id']          = array('rule' => 'stringOrEmpty');

in configuration_validation.php to get it work.

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I download the 1.1.4 archive from your site and still get some javascript errors

Text Formatted Code

Error : js is undefined
Source : http://www.mysite.Ccom/article.php?story=welcome
Line : 128

Erreur : uncaught exception: Error: Permission refusée à <https://www.facebook.com> d'obtenir la propriété Proxy.InstallTrigger

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Quote by: ::Ben

I download the 1.1.4 archive from your site and still get some javascript errors

Text Formatted Code

Error : js is undefined
Source : http://www.mysite.Ccom/article.php?story=welcome
Line : 128

Erreur : uncaught exception: Error: Permission refusée à <https://www.facebook.com> d'obtenir la propriété Proxy.InstallTrigger

Ben, I have no idea why the error message contains "https://www.facebook.com, " since I don't use the HTTPS URL in my code.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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I uninstalled 1.1.3 and installed 1.1.4 on http://www.geeklog.jp.
It works well, I think.
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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I have no idea why the error message contains "<strong>https</strong>://www.facebook.com, " since I don't use the HTTPS URL in my code.

Kenji, I send you a link by email to my test site so you can see the error message.


I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Quote by: ::Ben

I have no idea why the error message contains "https://www.facebook.com, " since I don't use the HTTPS URL in my code.
Kenji, I send you a link by email to my test site so you can see the error message. Thanks, Ben

Thanks, Ben. I understand the reason. As a quick fix, change "{return;}" into "{ return; } at lines 856 and 903 of "<geeklog>/plugins/ogp/functions.inc". Geeklog's Template class seems to eat "{return;}" as undefined template variables.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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Yes this solved the issue.


I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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installed this (ver .7) on geeklog 1.8
had some problems with htmlspecialchars - as usual @ did the trick ...
but now when i want to save app_id or user_id
i get errors, lots of them.
Text Formatted Code
(This text is only displayed to users in the group 'Root')

2 - preg_match(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash @ / ...snip... system/classes/config.class.php line 1545

array(15) {
  string(11) "fb_user_ids"
  string(3) "ogp"
  &string(5) "gape8"
and it continues ...

it saves well if i change
' Your site's default image '

was hoping to get fields for each article - to fix their og:image ... and similar

looks like this plugin is not for that purpose ?

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cant edit any more, but now i saw it adds og: lines to each article
is it possible couse i enabled Meta tags ?
maybe just didnt notice it before

i like

but still have problems couse cant save id's in settings

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again cant edit older posts :/
fond what was wrong with id's

now i can't save changes i make in

Kinds of Contents

(the last thing in configuration)

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Registered: 09/27/05
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Hi Gape,

Did you try contacting mystral-kk directly via email? (he is the author of the plugin right?) Not sure if he can help you as it looks like you are using an really old version of Geeklog and plugin.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Hi, gape, sorry to be late to find this thread. The current version of OGP plugin is 1.1.8, , which will run on GL-1.6.0 and PHP-7. You can download it from HERE.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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tried to upload new plugin, didnt disable old one first, and now my
is blank :/

then i tried to find detailed instructions how to upgrade the plugin - couldnt
then i tried to find detailed instructions how to upgrade ANY plugin - couldnt


couldnt find the changelog either to c if there is anything i need in new plugin :/

found it Big Grin
1.1.8 2017-01-10 Fixed to work with PHP-7 and Geeklog-2.1.2.

(fresh install on other site 1.8 too, went thru ok - i added the @s and ziped it again before i uploaded the plugin)

so i must of gone wrong on the update protocol ? :/

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