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using 1.8.0 and the twitter plug installed but no feed updates

Twitter Plug in

I was able to install it with no problem. but even though i put my feed username in there.. biomimetix in user name, the block shows up blank ( ie no feeds). also as a clue perhaps.... even if chose any of the different twitter icons in the configuration they dont show up. Thank in advance for the help. Is this plugin still compatiable with the latest 1.8.0 and twitter?

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There are definitely some changes I could make to make twitter block 1.8 compatible.
I'll do that tonight, and release an update.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Cool can you add in the autotag permission stuff (see the poll plugin autotag function for an example). I want to hide the twitter autotags from normal users.

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Update for GL 1.8.x here.
Please try it out and let me know if there are any issues.

@TOM - no thanks.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com


Thanks so much for the quick response!

I went ahead and removed the old one then installed this 1.2 version. Is that how i should have upgraded Or should I have did an upload and it would have over written it.. Im a geek log nubie so please excuse my ignorance.

The report ...so on the same machine .... in Safari the twitter feed shows up just fine.. in IE 9 the feed is blank.. even in IE 9 compability mode it is blank.. Possibly this was the issue with the first version and not necessarily a problem with your plugin.

anyway.. Thanks again!


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Thanks for the update Suprsidr. I just did a quick hack to add the functionality I wanted

For those of you who want to only allow Twitter Admins to use the twitter autotags you can replace the function plugin_autotags_twitter_block with the one below:

Text Formatted Code

function plugin_autotags_twitter_block($op, $content = '', $autotag = '') {

    if ($op == 'tagname') {
        return array('twitter_link', 'twitter_block', 'tweet', 'twitter_search');
    } elseif ($op == 'permission' || $op == 'nopermission') {
        // Autotag Permissions (usually stored in config.php or db)
        $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_link'] = array (2, 2, 1, 1);
        $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_block'] = array (2, 2, 1, 1);
        $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_tweet'] = array (2, 2, 1, 1);
        $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_search'] = array (2, 2, 1, 1);
        if ($op == 'permission') {
            $flag = true;
        } else {
            $flag = false;
        $tagnames = array();

        if (isset($_GROUPS['Twitter Block Admin'])) {
            $group_id = $_GROUPS['Twitter Block Admin'];
        } else {
            $group_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id',
                                   "grp_name = 'Twitter Block Admin'");
        $owner_id = SEC_getDefaultRootUser();    

        if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_link'][0], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_link'][1], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_link'][2], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_link'][3]) == $flag) {
            $tagnames[] = 'twitter_link';
        if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_block'][0], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_block'][1], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_block'][2], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_block'][3]) == $flag) {
            $tagnames[] = 'twitter_block';
        if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_tweet'][0], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_tweet'][1], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_tweet'][2], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_tweet'][3]) == $flag) {
            $tagnames[] = 'tweet';
        if (COM_getPermTag($owner_id, $group_id, $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_search'][0], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_search'][1], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_search'][2], $_TW_CONF['autotag_permissions_twitter_search'][3]) == $flag) {
            $tagnames[] = 'twitter_search';
        if (count($tagnames) > 0) {
            return $tagnames;
    } elseif ($op == 'parse') {
        if ($autotag['tag'] == 'twitter_block' ) {
            $count = (!empty ($autotag['parm1']) && is_numeric($autotag['parm1']))?
            $class = $twitterUserName = '';
            if (!empty ($autotag['parm2'])) {
                foreach(explode(' ',trim(COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm2']))) as $pair){
                    $parts = explode(':', $pair);
                    if ($parts[0] == 'align'){
                        switch ($parts[1]) {
                            case "right";
                                $class = ' class="float-right"';
                            case "left";
                                $class = ' class="float-left"';
                            case "center";
                                $class= ' class="float-center"';
                                $class = '';
                    } else if ($parts[0] == 'username'){
                        $twitterUserName = $parts[1];
            $retval = phpblock_twitter_block('twitter_tag', $twitterUserName, $count, $class);
            $content = str_replace ($autotag['tagstr'], $retval, $content);
        } else if ($autotag['tag'] == 'twitter_link') {
            $linkText = (!empty($autotag['parm1']))?COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm1']):$LANG_TWITTER_BLOCK_1['follow_link_text'];
            $linkText = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $linkText);
            $url = 'http://twitter.com/' . $_TW_CONF['twitter_username'];
            $link = '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$linkText.'" target="_blank">'.$linkText.'</a>';
            $content = str_replace($autotag['tagstr'], $link, $content);
        } else if ($autotag['tag'] == 'tweet' ) {
            $length = (!empty ($autotag['parm1']) && is_numeric($autotag['parm1']))?COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm1']):36;
            $twitterUserName = '';
            $tid = 0;
            if (!empty ($autotag['parm2'])) {
                foreach(explode(' ',trim(COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm2']))) as $pair){
                    $parts = explode(':', $pair);
                    if ($parts[0] == 'username'){
                        $twitterUserName = $parts[1];
                    if ($parts[0] == 'tid'){
                        $tid = $parts[1];
            $twitterUserName = ($twitterUserName == '')?$_TW_CONF['twitter_username']:$twitterUserName;
            $div = 'autotag-mini-tweet-'.$twitterUserName;
            $retval = phpblock_tweet($div, $twitterUserName, $length, $tid);
            $content = str_replace ($autotag['tagstr'], $retval, $content);
        } else if ($autotag['tag'] == 'twitter_search' ) {
            $count = (!empty ($autotag['parm1']) && is_numeric($autotag['parm1']))?$autotag['parm1']:$_TW_CONF['number_tweets'];
            $class = $searchTerm = '';
            if (!empty ($autotag['parm2'])) {
                foreach(explode(' ',trim(COM_applyFilter($autotag['parm2']))) as $pair){
                    $parts = explode(':', $pair);
                    if ($parts[0] == 'term'){
                        $searchTerm = COM_applyFilter($parts[1]);
                        $searchTerm = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $searchTerm);
                    if ($parts[0] == 'align'){
                        switch ($parts[1]) {
                            case "right";
                                $class = ' class="float-right"';
                            case "left";
                                $class = ' class="float-left"';
                            case "center";
                                $class= ' class="float-center"';
                                $class = '';
            $retval = phpblock_twitter_search('twitter-search', $searchTerm, $count, $class);
            $content = str_replace ($autotag['tagstr'], $retval, $content);

        return $content;

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Hmm just notice that FF shows a blank Twitter block as well.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.


I'm wondering if there is a update timer for when it goes out and fetches it.. cause suddenly safari isnt working for me.. maybe its a matter of simply waiting?

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Strange how I'm not getting notifications from this thread(I subscribed)
Hmm just notice that FF shows a blank Twitter block as well.

I'm wondering if there is a update timer for when it goes out and fetches it.. cause suddenly safari isnt working for me.. maybe its a matter of simply waiting?

Are you still having this issue?
Works for me in all major browsers. Although I've moved on to a new twitter plugin in development.
Twitter has a rate limit - something I ran into during initial development.
Let some time pass and try again.

@Tom, thanks for the updated function, I'll add it to the archive.

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Just updated to 1.2.1 simple addition of Tom's permissions and tooltip descriptions in story editor.

Updating is as easy as pointing admin -> plugins to the archive and click upload.

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Mine is still not working but I will take a closer look on Monday to see why.

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url to offending site?

still not getting notifications on this thread.
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Just an update, we've identified two issues.
One is in the way the scripts class adds jQuery to the page, and the other is twitter's response that IE does not like.(twitter is working on it)

I'll post another update when all is rectified.

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I have done the fix for Geeklog and it will be in the 1.8.1 release which should be soon.

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Twitter must have solved their problem as the Twitter block is now working in IE.

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