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Testing possibility!

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Registered: 07/08/11
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I am a newbie user with limited php/mysql knowledge.
And I walked into some problems.

1. Setting up groups and testing them is very complicated and a lot of work.
Making different kind of users. Logout, Login test. Back to admin.
Also you need a numerous number of email addressess. (for every account 1)
Also the fixed groups promises a list below of the used standard permissions... but I do not see a list.

I think it would nice that an Admin (especially a root) could simulate the different user groups.
Also an Admin could then also enjoy GeekLog on a normal level without all the admin block features list.


- At a login an Admin is assigned to his/her default "user" group. With the complete look, and features of the assigned group.
The only difference (with an normal user) is that there is a visible block item "To Root Features",
In Root mode, an option "To User mode" (preferably, with a drop down list too choose from when clicked)

- In group admin. Make an advanced option (just like showing the admin groups) to show the core... groups

2. Security is offcourse a good thing.
I installed Geeklog from (a subdomain) webroot... and I get a lot of security errors.
I used a standard installation and followed the installation to the letter.
- Now, I must read and implement this FAQ which results that I should re-install GeekLog.
IMHO. If I follow the installation.... this should not happen. You should fix it, not me.
(It was a public_html error)

Probable Solutions.
-When there are issues with installing in an add-on domain. Make a seperate section in the Install.
- If you do not want to have a public_html dir used. DO NOT MENTION public_html in the install!!!!
(I do not want a new discussion about this.... I just want to follow the (appropriate) install and not do complicated repairs afterwards)
- db_config.php is accessable from the web, please... do not give empty statements... give solutions, or even better let them be fixed with a single click from the admin.
"Create an empty index.html" (which you could easily do yourself), "htaccess the folder", which you could also do with top root user + his GeekLog password. (or ask for it)
- Make different grades of security. High. (corporations, high classified content), Normal (some small finance and/or low classified material). Low (groups, with no money, and/or classified content)
- When registering ask the admin ALSO for a user name, this username will be set to the default user group and can than be used to "GET" the user default group of the root (admin). Then that admin/user has only 1 emailaddress.

3. Some (old) plugins, won't work or not work properly.
A couple of days I had an error message (chatterbox plugin)... (You know, that when I remove the MySql entry GeekLog would be working fine again.)
Only, I did not know, with ftp, I deleted/renamed folders... searched/edited all kinds of PHP files.
- I got an error message.... (which only showed lib-commen.php with an error-line)

Probable Solution:
- An addition to a faq would be nice.
- An "deactivate <name plugin>" PHP-file, which you could run (stand alone) from your admin directory which has the same function as the activate/deactivate in the admin plugin menu.
- An "deactivate all" all plugins are deactivated and theme is set back to standard (professional)

4. External Authencation.
Identical emailaddresses are possible. Register normal with the same email address (use other name) as in Facebook.
Then login through facebook and voila... 2 users, 1 email address.

5. A basic build-in skin adapter would be nice.

Thank you for your time.
And your great programm.

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Quote by: Zippo

1. Setting up groups and testing them is very complicated and a lot of work.
Making different kind of users. Logout, Login test. Back to admin.

I thought we already had a feature request for "log in as another user" but can't seem to find it. Feel free to file one in our bugtracker.

What I usually do is to use a second browser for the other user. Saves you from having to log in and out all the time.

bye, Dirk

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by: Zippo

3. Some (old) plugins, won't work or not work properly.

Probable Solution:
- An addition to a faq would be nice.

The troubleshooting tip for this one is on the wiki: http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Disabling_a_plugin

Moving the FAQ to the wiki is one of the projects listed over on OpenHatch, btw. Help welcome Smile

bye, Dirk

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Yes, root users can login as another user with "userlogin4root" programmed by Oliver several years ago.


I think it is so good, it should be a standard tool within GL. 'Contao', the former 'typolight' has such a feature as standard.

It would be helpful to have a separate posting for each aspect to be improved. :pray: I don`t understand the problem with subdomains.

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