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Using includes
Good day,
Okay...time for a question that will show what I am...a newbie. I searched the site on this topic but didn't find a complete answer or one that met my circumstances. There were some answers going back to 2006 but isn't that eons ago in relation to PHP development and evolution of this CMS?
If I want to create a php include for a div in the banner of a theme I am editing, what is the procedure? I tried the following and received an error that listed for 1500+ lines in html.
<?php include('includes/dl-logo.inc') ?>
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a Great day.
Okay...time for a question that will show what I am...a newbie. I searched the site on this topic but didn't find a complete answer or one that met my circumstances. There were some answers going back to 2006 but isn't that eons ago in relation to PHP development and evolution of this CMS?
If I want to create a php include for a div in the banner of a theme I am editing, what is the procedure? I tried the following and received an error that listed for 1500+ lines in html.
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<div class='header-logobg-container-inner'><?php include('includes/dl-logo.inc') ?>
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a Great day.
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Registered: 05/19/10
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I guess that you need to go through the template engine, you can't just include php in thtml files as it won't be executed.
Perhaps add a new template variable:
Then find where that template is called and set the new variable:
include('includes/dl-logo.inc'); // this include file should provide a new function: getmycode()
$template->set_var('mycode', getmycode());
Hope this helps.
Perhaps add a new template variable:
Text Formatted Code
<div class='header-logobg-container-inner'>{mycode}
Then find where that template is called and set the new variable:
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...include('includes/dl-logo.inc'); // this include file should provide a new function: getmycode()
$template->set_var('mycode', getmycode());
Hope this helps.
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You can put php in template (but we can live without). Maybe the error was a path issue?
You must give the full path to your file dl-logo.inc
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Quote by: dwl
<?php include('includes/dl-logo.inc') ?>
Text Formatted Code
<div class='header-logobg-container-inner'><?php include('includes/dl-logo.inc') ?>
You can put php in template (but we can live without). Maybe the error was a path issue?
Text Formatted Code
include(includes/dl-logo.inc) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ C:\wamp\www\geeklog-1.7.1\public_html\lib-common.php(1305) : eval()'d code line 53You must give the full path to your file dl-logo.inc
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Quote by: cordiste
You can put php in template (but we can live without). Maybe the error was a path issue?
I had no idea you could do that

Quote by: cordiste
You must give the full path to your file dl-logo.inc
Perhaps it could something like this, so:
Text Formatted Code
include $_CONF['site_url'] . "pathto/dl-logo.inc";Rouslan
cordiste, you were exactly right with the requirement of a full path to the include, from the root right to the end of the filename. The relative path I was trying was generating a path issue error similar to what you shared.
Quote by: cordiste
You can put php in template (but we can live without). Maybe the error was a path issue?
You must give the full path to your file dl-logo.inc
Quote by: dwl
<?php include('includes/dl-logo.inc') ?>
Text Formatted Code
<div class='header-logobg-container-inner'><?php include('includes/dl-logo.inc') ?>
You can put php in template (but we can live without). Maybe the error was a path issue?
Text Formatted Code
include(includes/dl-logo.inc) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ C:wampwwwgeeklog-1.7.1public_htmllib-common.php(1305) : eval()'d code line 53You must give the full path to your file dl-logo.inc
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Registered: 01/14/05
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Location:la rochelle, France
I had no idea you could do that 

Yes... you can see the code in lib-common.php
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// The following lines allow users to embed PHP in their templates. This
// is almost a contradition to the reasons for using templates but this may
// prove useful at times ...
// Don't use PHP in templates if you can live without it!
$tmp = $header->finish($header->parse('index_header', 'header'));
$xml_declaration = '';
if ( get_cfg_var('short_open_tag') == '1' )
if ( preg_match( '/(<\?xml[^>]*>)(.*)/s', $tmp, $match ) )
$xml_declaration = $match[1] . LB;
$tmp = $match[2];
eval( '?>' . $tmp );
$retval = $xml_declaration . ob_get_contents();
return $retval;
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