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SocialShare plugin - anyone using it?

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Hi, I was wondering whether anyone is using the SocialShare plugin as published on Geeklog here: http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php?id=987 It sounds good and I reckon would be very important these days, but there was a comment that it was hard to install and with all my extra customisations I don't want to make life even harder each time I upgrade. So, what do people reckon? Are people using it successfully and easily? Cheers, Brett

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I use it on a couple of my sites without any problems (install or other wise).
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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I also use it on a lot of sites with no problems. Nice plugin.

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OK, I'll give it a go.


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I'm sorry, I feel like I'm always asking questions.

I tried to install this but no success.

The install.txt file has very little info, so I tried to do things as per the Geeklog wiki, specifically http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Plugins#Installation

I downloaded the tar and unpacked it. I went to create a folder socialshare in path-to-geeklog/plugins but I don't even actually have such a folder, despite having lots of plugins like mediagallery. So I created plugins/socialshare and put the tar/zip contents in there.

I then created public_html/socialshare and put the contents public_html in there (it's just an images folder and sociable.css)

I then created in admin/plugins/ a folder socialshare and put in that the files from admin (folder images, templates and file index.php)

So that still leaves in path-to-geeklog/plugins/socialshare folders layout (I've customised the professional theme so will need to merge them in later), language, coppermine (I don't use it), sql and the files autoinstall.php, config.php, functions.inc, change.log, install.txt

Then I log in as admin and go to the plugins config which lists all the installed plugins and new plugins, and socialshare is not in either list.


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Here's a repackaged copy of the social share plugin: http://www.placella.com/gl/socialshare_1.1.tar.gz

This one will work correctly with the autoinstall, so you only have to upload it throught the "upload plugin" form in the plugin admin list.


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Hey Roccivic

If you have time, you should try contacting the plugin author and see if he is okay with you increasing the version number and releasing a new version of the plugin with your new feature (I am sure he will be fine with it, I have had to do this a few times before with other plugins). This way we will not have different versions of the same code version of the plugin floating around.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Well, there is no code change at all. All I did was extract the zip file, rename the main folder from "socialshare_1.1" to "socialshare" and zipped it back up. That was all that was required to get the autoinstall to work. I'm not sure if this deserves a version bump...


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No, I guess it wouldn't. Big Grin

I thought you had done some code changes.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Quote by: Roccivic

Here's a repackaged copy of the social share plugin: http://www.placella.com/gl/socialshare_1.1.tar.gz

This one will work correctly with the autoinstall, so you only have to upload it throught the "upload plugin" form in the plugin admin list.


Thanks for your efforts.

But... OK, I'll continue to look stupid and ask the following.

Where is the upload plugin option? I'm logged in as admin and under the Admin menu clicked on Plugins but it only lists existing and new (empty) plugins. It puts me here: /admin/plugins.php

I've got glmenu installed, if that makes a difference?

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I felt as silly some time ago: http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=91587

For whatever it's worth, two days ago I pushed a changeset into our mercurial repository that tells the user exactly why plugin upload is disabled. Most of the times it will be folder permissions, but once in a while it can be something else. This feature will be available in Geeklog 1.8.0 later this spring.


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So Brett, you must do a manual install of the plugin.

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Hey Ben,

Why must I do it manually? That's what I tried without success.

In theory, shouldn't I be able to get the plugin upload feature to work? I've set the folder permissions as described above but I still don't see a plugin upload feature. Can someone confirm where I should see that? Do I need to copy the tar/zip somewhere first or does that upload feature allow me to do it?


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There are three reasons for which the plugin upload form gets disabled:
* Insufficient permissions on the filesystem
* Insufficient geeklog permissions (if you are logged-in as Admin, you can rule this out)
* File uploads are disabled in PHP (find your php.ini file and look there or call phpinfo(); from your webserver to check for this)

My money is on the permissions being wrong on the filesystem. If you have a unix/linux webserver try logging into it via SSH and issuing the following (or equivalent) command:
Text Formatted Code
sudo chmod 777 -R /path/to/geeklog/install/

No great for a production environment, but you will immediately see if the permissions are your problem.

And yes, once you get the form to show up, you won't need to do anything manually.


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Unfortunately I can't log into the webserver to execute commands, so I do everything from my browser, cPanel Filemanager and Filezilla.

I have set and checked that:

- plugins
- public_html
- public_html/admin/plugins

are all set to 0777 (some of them were not so I changed them).

I then go to http://www.worldfootynews.com/admin/plugins.php which is where I assume I should see this upload form (no one has confirmed that yet!) and there's no sign of an upload function.

I'm running GL 1.7.1

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You can see a plugins upload form sample on http://demo.geeklog.net/admin/plugins.php

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Try the below code to see what the problem is. First go to "admin->groups->static pages admin->edit" and tick near "staticpages.PHP" to enable the parsing of PHP in static pages. Then create a static page and set "PHP:" to "execute php" and add the below code as the content of the static page. Save and go to this new page and it should tell you what the problem is. Let me know how you get on.

Text Formatted Code
global $_CONF;

$FOO = array(
    65 => 'The plugin upload function has been disabled due to the following errors:',
    66 => 'File uploads are disabled in your PHP configuration.',
    67 => 'The directory "%s" is not writable.',
    68 => 'You do not have the required permissions to install plugins.',
    69 => 'You do not have the required permissions to upload plugins.'

$path_admin = $_CONF['path_html'] . substr($_CONF['site_admin_url'],
            strlen($_CONF['site_url']) + 1) . '/';

$errors = array();
if (!ini_get('file_uploads')) {
    $errors[] = $FOO[66];
if (!is_writable($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/')) {
    $errors[] = sprintf($FOO[67], $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/');
if (!is_writable($_CONF['path_html'])) {
    $errors[] = sprintf($FOO[67], $_CONF['path_html']);
if (!is_writable($path_admin . 'plugins/')) {
    $errors[] = sprintf($FOO[67], $path_admin . 'plugins/');
if (!SEC_hasRights('plugin.install')) {
    $errors[] = $FOO[68];
if (!SEC_hasRights('plugin.upload')) {
    $errors[] = $FOO[69];

if (count($errors)) {
    $retval = '<p>' . $FOO[65] . '</p>' . LB . '<div><ul>' . LB;
    foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
        $retval .= "<li>$value</li>";
} else {
    $retval .=  "<div><ul><li>no errors</li>";

$retval .= '</ul></div>' . LB;

echo $retval;

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Quote by: cordiste

You can see a plugins upload form sample on http://demo.geeklog.net/admin/plugins.php


Thanks! Now I at least know what I'm looking for. And it definitely is not there on my site.

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Thanks Rouslan. I did the static page and it returned that /home/world/geeklog/plugins/ was not writable. So just as you thought.

I was doing:

- plugins
- public_html
- public_html/admin/plugins

but the first one was supposed to be geeklog/plugins

This might also explain that I was misreading the wiki on manual installs and should've been in geeklog/plugins not a top level folder plugins.

So now the upload plugin form is there!

Thanks guys, I'll give it a go shortly (baby demanding attention permitting) and report back.

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So the manual install actually works now anyway, I just had to copy what was in top level / plugins / socialshare into geeklog / plugins.

The graphical help at http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Plugins#Installation showed the plugins folder at the top level where I think it assumes the top level is geeklog, whereas I have public_html and geeklog next to each other. I gather that was a bit of mistake when the site was first installed many years ago.

So I went to the plugins page, installed, it said success!

I went to the socialshare admin page and it came up with:

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_var() on a non-object in /home/world/geeklog/plugins/socialshare/functions.inc on line 378

which is the story_id line in:

Text Formatted Code
//------start fix
//Bug fix reported by Cordiste
//fix Code by Kenji(mystral-kk)
//Thanks guys
if (!isset($A['sid'])) {

   $story_id  = $template->get_var('story_id');
   $title     = $template->get_var('story_title');
   $introtext = $template->get_var('story_introtext');

Looks like I'm going to have a hurdle every step of the way.

The one thing I haven't done yet is merge the changes to storytext.thtml, featuredstorytext.thtml and archivestorytext.thtml which I figure must be unrelated to this error.

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