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Paypal Plugin Installation Problem

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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
When I tried to install / upgrade the PayPal plugin, I got the following when I hit the "upgrade" button on the Admin / Plugins menu;

256 - An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details. @ /home/panamax/system/databases/mysql.class.php line 260

array(3) {
string(500) "CREATE TABLE gl_paypal_subscriptions (
id int(11) auto_increment,
product_id int NOT NULL,
user_id int NOT NULL,
txn_id varchar(255),
purchase_date datetime,
expiration datetime,
price decimal(12,2) unsigned,
status varchar(12),
add_to_group int(5) default NULL,
notification tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

Any ideas on how to get past this? Thanks.


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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
This program is a NIGHTMARE!

I tried to install it...

It didn't work...

So I said "screw it" and tried to remove everything and just throw it out...

And now it has apparently made some fundamental changes to the system...

And it's hanging around like a friggin' vampire.

When I try to just delete all of the associated files, there's still an error in the lib-common.php file.

And when I tried to go back and just reinstall the files so that I could get the site to resolve again (at least) I now get this error...

2 - extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array @ /home/panamax/plugins/paypal/classes/jcart.class.php line 265

Basically, help (again). - I just want this POS gone, asap...


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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
OK, I'm going to keep posting what I'm doing, and I hope that someone will jump in with a helpful comment or suggestion at some point. I really need some help here.

Right now I'm just going to delete every file I can find that's related to the Paypal plugin...


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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
OK, everything is deleted. However I now get the following (from the error log)

Thu 27 Jan 2011 20:35:25 EST - 2 - require_once(/home/panamax/plugins/paypal/functions.inc) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /home/panamax/public_html/lib-common.php line 7189

So that tells me there's something in lib-common.php that's still trying to find the /plugins/paypal/functions.inc file.

How can I get rid of this? My website won't resolve, and basically I'm dead in the water.


Faithful Geeklog User Since 2004
(Who still can't stand having to fight this stupid friggin' plugin battle, every damn time...)

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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
OK, I'm stuck. Dead in the water.

Apparently my system still thinks the Paypal plugin should be there, somewhere - and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Please, help. Anyone...


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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
I've tried searching through all of the Forum posts for a similar problem, and I can't find anything related.

Question - is there anyway I can "force" my way into the Admin section to kindly tell the system that I would like to delete the Paypal plugin?

Is there any way to manually delete a plugin by editing the files?

I would like to also make a very strong recommendation that anyone thinking of installing this plugin is playing with fire. I've never had a problem like this before.

And once again, HELP!


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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
HA! I figured it out.

I had to go into the database and manually delete the paypal plugin from the gl_plugins table.

Son - of - a - bi*ch...


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For future reference:


bye, Dirk

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This program is a NIGHTMARE!
...made some fundamental changes to the system...
...friggin' vampire...
...fight this stupid friggin' plugin battle, every damn time...
...Son - of - a - bi*ch...

Lot of noise for this cool plugin. Where to start to investigate?


I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Location:la rochelle, France
From where did you download the plugin archive and witch version was it?

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