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How to re-install plugins after a GL upgrade

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I've upgraded GL from 1.5.2 to 1.7.1, and thanks to my improving list of self-help instructions I'm getting better - the site was only screwed for about 10 minutes before I returned it to about 90% working... unless someone wants to access the menus.

My question is, how do I restore by 2 plugins, glmenu and mediagallery? For now my focus is glmenu.

Should I do a fresh installation of it, then roll over the top any customised files, or should I be able to copy in my old glmenu folders and everything will just work?

I have a bad feeling about it all, because I can't access the default GL admin stuff because I think it remembers it wants glmenu, but glmenu isn't installed so it can't find it, and the glmenu install recommends going into admin as part of its instructions - a vicious circle.

I've tried to copy in the glmenu folders but still not working.

Any advice? My site is http://www.worldfootynews.com and the menu errors are on the LHS. I think the GL upgrade has remembered to use phpblock_glmenu but it isn't properly installed. And to properly install I need to get into the GL admin.


P.S. Merry Xmas to all those who celebrate this time of year (and have a nice day anyway to those that don't).

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I'm guessing that I need a direct hack to turn off the use of glmenu, so that I can then successfully re-install glmenu.

It wants phpblocks_glmenu, which is in geeklog/plugins/glmenu/functions.inc, so I assume GL just doesn't know how to find it.

Once that's sorted, I wonder if I did something wrong to get here or if this was kind of inevitable.

Then I'll tackle mediagallery.

I only upgrade once every year or two as something always goes wrong. Normally either with my customisations, but this time plugins.


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My question is, how do I restore by 2 plugins, glmenu and mediagallery

Are the plugins enabled in the plugin admin list?

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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You can avoid the use of phpblock_glmenu function by disable your Site Menu block in the admin/block.php area.

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Quote by: cordiste


My question is, how do I restore by 2 plugins, glmenu and mediagallery

Are the plugins enabled in the plugin admin list?


I can't get to the plugin admin list because the site menu is broken, presumably as it wants glmenu. When starting the GL update yes they would have been enabled, so presumably the update maintained that.

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Quote by: cordiste

You can avoid the use of phpblock_glmenu function by disable your Site Menu block in the admin/block.php area.


Hmmm, looking at admin/block.php now and can't see what to do. Am I disabling the whole site header menu? I presume I want glmenu off but the old default menu still on, so I can install glmenu fresh?


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glmenu 3.1 and mediagallery 1.5.1 work well with geeklog 1.7.1

I can't get to the plugin admin list because the site menu is broken

What is the message when you go to your http://www.worldfootynews.com/admin/plugins.php page?

Hmmm, looking at admin/block.php now and can't see what to do.

You must have a block call "Site Menu block" with a checkbox on the right. Just click this checkbox to disable this block.

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What is the message when you go to your http://www.worldfootynews.com/admin/plugins.php page?

OK, I thought you meant go edit that file, but you meant browse to it. Thank you! I've turned off the offending glmenu block.

I'll now attempt to re-install glmenu and mediagallery.


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OK I've turned off the Site Menu block, so no more glmenu errors. But now I have no site menu of any kind. And I do want to keep glmenu. Currently I have copied in all the old parts of glmenu that I can find from my old version. So it appears in the plugin list. But the Site Menu block obviously looks for it but can't find it. What tells it where to look? phpblock_glmenu is in glmenu's functions.inc but something is failing to point at it. I'm guessing a fresh install would have taken care of that. What's the tip - clear out all glmenu and re-install?

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Sorry for so many posts, I'm just hoping to add more info so when someone posts a response they know exactly what the situation is with my efforts so far.

I think I've missed something somewhere. What is the correct way to handle previously installed plugins when upgrading from one version of GL to another? I assume GL does not do it for you. So do I:

1. install the plugins again afresh, by untarring the originals, copying in the subfolders, and doing an install from the plugins admin menu? Or,

2. do I copy in my existing plugin subfolders and everything should just work?

Option 1 doesn't seem right, as then doesn't it try to re-establish in the database, and I'll need to make all my customisations.

Option 2 is what I tried for glmenu but it didn't seem to work. My Site Menu block was complaining about not being able to find phpblock_glmenu yet the file with it was copied back. So what could be the problem.


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Looking at instructions like this:


it says that if the plugin is new then after unpacking it and moving things around you then go to the plugins admin and run the install.

However, if it is an update to a new version of the plugin, then you run the update.

But what if (my case) you have updated Geeklog, so you just want to put the existing plugin back and reactivate it? This must happen all the time, every time people do a GL version update, what do you do about your existing plugins? I can't see anything written about that anywhere. I've been using GL for 6 years but I guess I only started using glmenu and mg 18 mths ago and haven't upgraded since then.

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I seem to have fixed it!

For some reason glmenu was not enabled in the plugins admin panel. So I had copied in everything it needed from my old version, but it wasn't enabled. I'm sure I when to the plugins panel, clicked on edit and enabled it. Not sure why it was ever turned off!

So I guess that is how to restore your plugins, copy over the right parts and re-enable them in the plugins menu, and if they stop you using menus, remember that you can get to plugins via /admin/plugins.php.

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I'll summarise what I had to do so in case someone else follows this thread they at least understand the process. Maybe I did something wrong, but this is what worked for me.

After updating my Geeklog version, simply an upgrade from 1.5 to 1.7.1, plugin info should be retained in the database but need their code copied back and reactivated from the plugins menu. The default ones such as links, staticpages, calendar and polls should be okay.

My extra plugins are: youtube, captcha, mediagallery, glmenu.

Copy the subfolder for each plugin from the old area (I renamed my geeklog and public_html directories to old_ versions while doing the upgrade) to the new areas. For each plugin that will generally be a folder in each of public_html, geeklog/plugins and in some cases public_html/layout/professional/ (only for glmenu so far).

The layout of where these subfolders is explained visually here:


Once the folders have been copied back in then go here:


and re-enable them (you may need to log in as Admin at that point and try again). I provide the direct link above because
until glmenu is re-enabled the menu system to navigate there will be broken (that was my first key problem that I was helped with above on this thread). The next key part was not knowing to copy the old parts over, and then not knowing that they would be disabled.

As part of the new upgrade I also got to install XMLSitemap but to do that I had to (after a failure and checking the error log in the geeklog/logs folder) momentarily change permissions on public_html to 777 (I use Filezilla for most of this work).

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