Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:32 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Can't access the admin "Miscellaneous: page


Trying to make the [page_break] html function work, I messed up access to the miscellaneous page in the admin configuration. At first I got an error about a function in the config.php file, but now I can't get it to show me anything except a blank page that shows the error .... http 500 internal server error.

All the other admin pages seem to be OK. I was trying to add the [page_break] code to the allowed code functions on that misc page, and that's when it went sour.

I went into the mysql database and searched for [page_break] and found it in several areas. The one I believe to be giving me the error is the following .... it's in the gl_conf_values ... under .... admin_html


I don't know how to remove it from that code. Don't know what all to remove. I think that would fix it, but I'm not sure.

Can someone help me with this.



Don't know if this will help, but I zero'd out the error.log and tried going into the Misc function one time, and this is the error that I get in the error.log

Mon Oct 11 16:18:55 2010 - Unable to unserialize a:8:{s:1:"p";a:3:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;s:5:"align";i:1;}s:3:"div";a:2:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;}s:4:"span";a:2:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;}s:5:"table";a:6:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;s:5:"width";i:1;s:6:"border";i:1;s:11:"cellspacing";i:1;s:11:"cellpadding";i:1;}s:2:"tr";a:4:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;s:5:"align";i:1;s:6:"valign";i:1;}s:2:"th";a:6:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;s:5:"align";i:1;s:6:"valign";i:1;s:7:"colspan";i:1;s:7:"rowspan";i:1;}s:2:"td";a:6:{s:5:"class";i:1;s:2:"id";i:1;s:5:"align";i:1;s:6:"valign";i:1;s:7:"colspan";i:1;s:7:"rowspan";i:1;}} for Core:admin_html



Forgot this .....

I also went back into the mysql database and made the following change BEFORE I did the thing with the error.log.

What I changed is indicated below which made the one field exactly the same as the one below it in the admin_html field mentioned in the first post.

I changed this ........... i:1;s:7:"colspan";i:1;s:7:"rowspan";i:1;}s:11:"[page_break]";s:4:"true";}
to this .......................i:1;s:7:"colspan";i:1;s:7:"rowspan";i:1;}}




I kept looking at the code in the database and the error log and saw that the only difference was the ..... a:8:{s ..... that was at the front of the code. The error log kept indicating ..... Unable to unserialize a:8:{s:1

I changed the 8 back to a 7 and everything is now OK. When I put the bad instruction in through the admin, it must have changed the 7 to the 8 for the new entry and when I removed the entry it couldn't decifer what the 8 was.

Thanks to all those who checked out my post.




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