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Upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6rc2



Though I know my way around Geeklog, i've never had to upgrade it before. Others have always taken care of this for me.

I am running GL 1.4 on my personal site and I am in dire need of upgrading it to at least 1.5+. Though I have been advised by others that I should just use 1.6rc2, which is fine with me.

Though I am confused to what this means in the docs.

Depending on the version you're upgrading from:

When upgrading from Geeklog 1.4.1 or earlier: Put the config.php files from your old install back into their place now (the main config.php and those for the plugins). The install script will read these files during the upgrade to pre-populate the new Configuration admin panel with your settings. If you skip this step, you will end up with default settings for Geeklog and the pre-installed plugins.

What does "back into their place" mean? I know the templates/css are going to be screwed with this upgrade, but I don't want to have to go through the DB and adjust a bunch of config settings if the config file isn't in the correct place.

Thanks for any help.



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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
It means "the places where the config.php files used to be in 1.4.1".

I.e. the main config.php goes into /path/to/geeklog (next to the new db-config.php file) and the config.php files for the plugins go into the plugin directories: /path/to/geeklog/plugins/calendar/, /path/to/geeklog/plugins/links/, and so on.

bye, Dirk


Thanks for your quick reply dirk.

Are you saying that after I have uploaded the new version of Geeklog 1.6 to the server, I am to place the old config files in the "new" geeklog public_html and plugin directories so that the script can read it upon install?

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

Not in public_html, though. I said next to db-config.php (not siteconfig.php, which is in public_html).

The install script will read the old config files during the upgrade. If it can't find them, it will use default values.

bye, Dirk


Never mind. I know where you are talking about putting the config.php file. In the main GL directory, not in public_html. edit: thanks for clarifying that. :wink:

Guess i am confused about the replacement of my previous installation. I have uploaded v 1.6rc2 to the server and I have placed the old config.php file in the new main GL directory next to the db-config.php.

My old geeklog installation is in gdl3d.com/httpdocs/manage

The new directory is gdl3d.com/httpdocs/geeklog-1.6.0rc2.

Am I to delete the old "manage" directory and just rename the new geeklog-1.6.0rc2 directory to manage before or after installation?

Thanks for you help.


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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by: gdl

Am I to delete the old "manage" directory and just rename the new geeklog-1.6.0rc2 directory to manage before or after installation?

Yeah, I'd put the new files in the same place as before (or delete + rename, as you said).

bye, Dirk


Thanks again for the hand holding Dirk. I should be upgrading today. I'll report back after I have the theme customized.


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