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A few SQL commands as sort of first aid

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Registered: 08/04/03
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I need some help to sum up a few SQL commands as sort of first aid. Maybe we can put this into an FAQ later on.

When updating an older site it happens that all stories are being opened for trackbacks etc. It also happens with GL 1.6.0b1 that all comments may be closed due to wrong adjustments.

How can I disable trackbacks for all stories?
How can I turn on trackbacks for all stories?

How can I disable comments for all stories?
How can I turn on comments for all stories?

How can I disable comments for all static pages?
How can I turn on comments for all static pages?

How can I change the group from A to B for all static pages?
How can I turn on edit rights for group members for all static pages?

Anything useful I forgot?

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How can I disable trackbacks for all stories?

UPDATE gl_stories SET trackbackcode = -1

How can I turn on trackbacks for all stories?

UPDATE gl_stories SET trackbackcode = 0 (I believe the flag is 0, I may be wrong this is from memory)

How can I disable comments for all stories?

UPDATE gl_stories SET commentcode = -1

How can I turn on comments for all stories?

UPDATE gl_stories SET commentcode = 0

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Yes, thanks that was right.

How can I change the group from A to B for all static pages?

--> This would be something like this, and the number at the end is the wanted group number:
UPDATE gl_staticpage SET group_id = 26

How can I turn on edit rights for group members for all static pages?

--> UPDATE gl_staticpage SET perm_group = 3

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