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Menu items missing in 1.5.2 SR4

Paul A

Since upgrading from 1.3.1 to 1.5.4 and switching to the professional theme yesterday, I now only get limited menu options despite all the options being configured under the theme config settings. These are the menu items I get:

* Home
* Contribute
* Advanced Search
* Site Statistics

I checked the header template and the menu code is there.

I also added custom to the theme menu config hoping that the items in the lib-custom.php would also appear on the menu (particularly the gallery link).
My site is whatcanidotodaydotcom if anyone wants to take a look.

Thanks, Paul A

Any ideas

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Do you have a "plugins" entry in your Menu Elements list (in the Configuration)?

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 01/06/03
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Adding plugins to the menu config as Dirk suggests should give you the Links, Polls, and Calendar options in the menu bar. To get Gallery, you probably need to edit system/lib-custom.php and make sure the block of code that adds the Gallery in function CUSTOM_menuEntries is not commented out, as well as adding custom to the menu config.

Paul A

Thanks for the reply - sorry I can't check this now as I updated to glFusion - superb menu config. Thanks anyway, Paul A

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