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Im trying to make this possible:

On the main page, and the topic pages, I´ve put the title of the featured article title in H1 tags (featuredstorytext.thtml), and the title of the other stories in H2 tags (storytext.thtml). That works fine, and Google likes it that way.

But that also means that on separate article pages, article.thtml will use the storytext.thtml template with H2 tags. But I want to use H1 tags there, so the featuredstory.thtml template.

But how?? Confused

Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Well, perhaps this will help me, will have a look at it.. http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=79281

Oh, how easy, in lib-story.php, line 76, change this:
$storytpl = 'storytext.thtml';

to this:
$storytpl = 'featuredstorytext.thtml';

Wouldn´t this be nice as a normal feature?
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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A good hint. How do you like this? http://project.geeklog.net/tracking/view.php?id=788 It would be the biggest breakthrough in GL layout for user blogs, completely different loking "sections" etc. but nobody cares.

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
This was already possible with the old Chameleon plugin, if I´m correct?
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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I think I hardly ever tried other layouts because I make them myself. So I don`t know but it is a good hint.

Anyway, your idea would be good to add the the FR I mentioned above.

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There are many easy ways to achieve a different look for stories in each topic:

1) use the topic ID to generate an topic-related ID or class for a stories/div´s in the center column and use css to style them the way you like it

2) the same way for article pages, just use the topic ID again (http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=86601) and css

3) I don´t know if it´s possible to use the topic ID in header.thtml, but that gives enormous possibilities...

I haven´t had time to take a look at userblogs, but that´s something I do need for one of my next projects..
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Thanks, but CSS is not sufficient. I want a more radical change of the thtml too. If you have an FAQ or help topic you want another appearance than in topic blogs etc.

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Is it not a bit strange to use newsstories for these things? We have a nice FAQ plugin, static pages, Nextide, etc, or just make a plugin for what you need..

And how about this?

In lib-story.php, line 76, change this:
$storytpl = 'storytext.thtml';

to this:
$storytpl = 'tid-storytext.thtml';

I´m no developer, just a crazy idea....that needs some php I guess...
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Well, it has been discussed in many threads which I listed in the FR.

The main point were user blogs to look different from each other. There is more freedom of change when you change the thtml and not only the CSS.

My additional idea was to have even more "sections" E.g. take a cooking blog: cookA, cookB and another topic with vegetarian_recipes.

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
The old Chameleon plugin might do the trick for you, unless you need custom fields. This site is using that plugin: http://www.gijsbertsbv.nl/
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Just tossing in a note: You can define your own template variables in lib-custom.php. The function there is also called for the article templates.

bye, Dirk

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