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Static page in article

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Registered: 04/14/09
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Location:Ukraine, Kyiv
Please help me, how to make the static page is displayed in the articles?

it's possible?

thank you

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You can use the [staticpage_content:] autotag.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 04/14/09
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Location:Ukraine, Kyiv
Thanks, but can I use it in all articles? For example set in article.thtml?
or can I make the static page is displayed in the blocks?

Thank you

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, that's a different question now ...

It would probably help if you could tell us what you want to accomplish.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 04/14/09
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Location:Ukraine, Kyiv
I need to use php-code in each article in a block or in a content.
This code can be automated through which to sell text link ads.

To be able to display hypertext links to those pages that you wish to connect to the system, it is necessary at the beginning of the source code of these pages, do the following php-box:
Text Formatted Code
<? php
      if (! defined ( '_SAPE_USER')) (
         define ( '_SAPE_USER', 'ea1c5ae7cd4d0f8bb2006efca54aabea');
      require_once ($ _SERVER [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'._ SAPE_USER.' / sape.php ');
      $ sape = new SAPE_client ();

Further, in those places the page where you want to display links, you must insert the following code:
Text Formatted Code
<? echo $ sape-> return_links ($ n);?>

where $ n - number of links that you would like to take this place pages. The last call of this function in the document must take place without any parameters.

I know that this code can be displayed using the function and then put in phpblock. but how to do it, I do not know Frown

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You can define your own template variables in a CUSTOM_templateSetVars function. Would that help?

You could have a {my_ad} variable that would be available in all the story templates.

See lib-custom.php for an example. It only mentions header.html there, but it's also being called for the 'storytext', 'featuredstorytext', and 'archivestorytext' templates (and a few others).

bye, Dirk

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