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Staticpage block management

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While we wait for SOC results for better block management.
I though I'd share an easy way to display blocks wherever you want.
Utilizing the autotags plugin, add these two functions to path_to_geeklog/plugins/autotags/functions.inc
Text Formatted Code

* Display a Geeklog block
    function phpautotags_showBlock($p1, $p2, $fulltag) {
        global $_TABLES;
        $display = '';
        $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE (name = '$p1')");
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        if (! empty($A)) {
            if ($p2 == $p1) {
                $p2 = '';
            $display = AT_formatBlock($A, $p2);
            $display .= "\n";
        } else {
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $display .= COM_startBlock($p1);
                $display .= "<br><strong>Sorry, we cannot find the block you were requesting.</strong><br>";
                $display .= COM_endBlock();
        return $display;

* Formats a Geeklog block
* @param        array     $A          Block Record
* @param        string    $useTemplate    Force block template ie. 'left', 'right', 'list'...
* @param        bool      $noboxes    Set to true if userpref is no blocks
* @return       string    HTML Formated block
        function AT_formatBlock( $A, $useTemplate, $noboxes = false ) {
        global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG21;
        $retval = '';
        //$lang = COM_getLanguageId();
        $lang = 'en';
        if (!empty($lang)) {
            $blocksql['mssql']  = "SELECT bid, is_enabled, name, type, title, tid, blockorder, cast(content as text) as content, ";
            $blocksql['mssql'] .= "rdfurl, rdfupdated, rdflimit, onleft, phpblockfn, help, owner_id, ";
            $blocksql['mssql'] .= "group_id, perm_owner, perm_group, perm_members, perm_anon, allow_autotags,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rdfupdated) AS date ";
            $blocksql['mysql'] = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rdfupdated) AS date ";
            $commonsql = "FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE name = '"
                       . $A['name'] . '_' . $lang . "'";
            $blocksql['mysql'] .= $commonsql;
            $blocksql['mssql'] .= $commonsql;
            $result = DB_query( $blocksql );
            if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
                // overwrite with data for language-specific block
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        if(in_array($useTemplate, array('left', 'right', 'message', 'related', 'list', 'config'))){
            $position = '-' . $useTemplate;
        }else if( array_key_exists( 'onleft', $A ) ) {
            if( $A['onleft'] == 1 ) {
                $position = '-left';
            } else {
                $position = '-right';
        } else {
            $position = '';
        if( $A['type'] == 'portal' ) {
            if( COM_rdfCheck( $A['bid'], $A['rdfurl'], $A['date'], $A['rdflimit'] )) {
                $A['content'] = DB_getItem( $_TABLES['blocks'], 'content',
                                            "bid = '{$A['bid']}'");
        if( $A['type'] == 'gldefault' ) {
            $retval .= COM_showBlock( $A['name'], $A['help'], $A['title'], $position );
        if( $A['type'] == 'phpblock' && !$noboxes ) {
            if( !( $A['name'] == 'whosonline_block' AND DB_getItem( $_TABLES['blocks'], "name='whosonline_block'" ) == 0 )) {
                $function = $A['phpblockfn'];
                $matches = array();
                if (preg_match('/^(phpblock_\w*)\\((.*)\\)$/', $function, $matches) == 1) {
                    $function = $matches[1];
                    $args = $matches[2];
                $blkheader = COM_startBlock( $A['title'], $A['help'],
                $blkfooter = COM_endBlock( 'blockfooter'.$position.'.thtml');
                if( function_exists( $function )) {
                   if (isset($args)) {
                        $fretval = $function($A, $args);
                   } else {
                        $fretval = $function();
                   if( !empty( $fretval )) {
                        $retval .= $blkheader;
                        $retval .= $fretval;
                        $retval .= $blkfooter;
                } else {
                    // show error message
                    $retval .= $blkheader;
                    $retval .= sprintf( $LANG21[31], $function );
                    $retval .= $blkfooter;
        if( !empty( $A['content'] ) && ( trim( $A['content'] ) != '' ) && !$noboxes ) {
            $blockcontent = stripslashes( $A['content'] );
            // Hack: If the block content starts with a '<' assume it
            // contains HTML and do not call nl2br() which would only add
            // unwanted <br> tags.
            if( substr( $blockcontent, 0, 1 ) != '<' ) {
                $blockcontent = nl2br( $blockcontent );
            // autotags are only(!) allowed in normal blocks
            if(( $A['allow_autotags'] == 1 ) && ( $A['type'] == 'normal' )) {
                $blockcontent = PLG_replaceTags( $blockcontent );
            $blockcontent = str_replace( array( '<?', '?>' ), '', $blockcontent );
            $retval .= COM_startBlock( $A['title'], $A['help'],
                    . $blockcontent . LB
                    . COM_endBlock( 'blockfooter'.$position.'.thtml');
        return $retval;

Then create an autotag in the autotags admin: showBlock with the function phpautotags_showBlock.
Now you can call any block anywhere geeklog allows autotags. Especially handy in staticpages.
[showBlock:block_name] - to show a block using its native template left or right depending on its normal position in the block manager.
[showBlock:block_name list] - to render the block using blockheader-list, blockfooter-list.
Available templates: 'left', 'right', 'message', 'related', 'list', 'config'

Easy peasy.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Yes it's a fantastic feature.

Just a comment for whose are not familiar with autotag plugin, you need to add autotags.PHP rights to Autotags Admin group for exemple to allow php functions in autotags.

And I needed to create an autotag in the autotags admin call showblock to do it work. ShowBlock was not working.

:shakehands: Thanks a lot for this very nice feature.

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Quote by: suprsidr

While we wait for SOC results for better block management.

Hmm? There isn't/wasn't a GSoC project for better block management. The Admin's Blocks section in 1.6 will be exactly the same as in 1.5.2.

bye, Dirk

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Hmm? There isn't/wasn't a GSoC project for better block management.

Sorry, I thought I read it somewhere.

So.... While we wait for better block management.

And maybe it'll get added to the queue somewhere. Wink

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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May it could be added to autotags next version Smile

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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