Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, August 31 2024 @ 11:46 pm EDT

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wrapping text in geeklog


I'm curious if anyone knows how to stop the wrapping of text with geeklog? To give some background I began hacking the professional theme to make my own and, if enough people thought it looked good, maybe post it. The problem can be seen even on the geeklog home page: http://www.geeklog.net/. If you reduce the horizontal dimensions on your web browser eventually the Advanced Search link in the navigation bar will wrap into the banner and site logo. On my site, www.cincinnaticonservative.com, I have a large font for the slogan and it merges into the start of the stories and side blocks. I haven't found a good way to go about doing this, though I'm pretty sure it will involve a well placed white-space:nowrap; statement somewhere in the style.css file. In the grand scheme of things it is pretty irrelevant, but it would be really nice to have it operate a little more like Wordpress (sorry if that offended anyone LOL ) as far as the layout dynamics are concerned. Anyway, the rest of the software is wonderful and keep up the good work.


I was just in the process of looking into that myself. I am not real current with HTML but you can introduce white space inside the wrap by using the vspace and hspace attributes within the img tag..

As the attributes imply , the VSPACE attribute holds a specified number of pixel spaces above and below an aligned graphic.Space to the right and/or left is added using the HSPACE attribute.

For example.

Text Formatted Code
<IMG SRC ="graphic.gif"  ALIGN="left" HSPACE=12>

This text will wrap around the gif image leaving 12 pixels of white space.

Of course style sheets are the way to go if you are up to it , But the old way using HTML tags will work also. I hope this helps .



FWIW, I did find that white-space:nowrap placed in the first body statement of the style.css file in whatever layout is being modified will do it. However, everything is much wider than I'd like. I'd try the HTML vspace and hspace tags, but I'm with you on the css method instead. I've been burned quite a few times writing code when things get "kludgy" Big Grin . I'll keep this post updated with any progress, but at moment it's not looking too good. I'm at least comforted by the fact that looking at commercial pages it is about 50/50 as far as sites having this problem and not.


Ok, I think I may have it. Your mention of the vspace and hspace attributes got me thinking about fixing the widths in pixels. That did it with the banner and site slogan. It is kind of kludgy, but there are only three places that I think need to be changed: navigation bar up top, banner with site slogan, and story block. Hope this helps.


I stole a peek at your site. I viewed it with medium fonts and larger fonts . There is some very slight crowding of the top of the banner with the bottom of the navigational links at the larger font setting but its barely noticeable. I guess you tweeked it already. Nice looking site and ....always glad to help out a fellow Ohioan and conservative. :wink:

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