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By default, suhosin only allows 200 post vars. The polls admin form easily blows that number away. You need to configure "post_vars = 1000" or more in the suhosin config file. Google for "suhosin post size" for additional details.


will try changing that jmucchiello

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Quote by: jmucchiello

By default, suhosin only allows 200 post vars. The polls admin form easily blows that number away.

If that's the case, you could also reduce the "Max. Questions per Poll" and "Max. Options per Question" settings for the Polls.

Per default, they're 10 each, so that amounts to 300 post vars for the questions (including answers / votes / remarks) alone. Try 5 each.

bye, Dirk


set max questions per poll to 1 and max options per question to 6 and deleted the poll
thanks all for the help

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Also see Polls Plugin vs. Suhosin.

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