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Font color vs. Span style (FCKeditor)

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FCKeditor uses "span style" in order to define colors. The admin HTML already has span but not with style. So I've added style. Nevertheless, it keeps stripping the style.

I've therefore added font (with color) to the admin HTML and this one works. But it means I have to define colors manually.

Does anybody know what's going on or should I submit a bug report?

William Grand

I have the same problem ... did you figure this out?

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Why not skip html filtering for admins?

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Quote by: William Grand

I have the same problem ... did you figure this out?

No, but thanks to your reminder I've indeed submitted an official bug report.


Are there any way to patch it?

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If you alter line 2986 in GL 1.6sr1 to read SEC_inGroup( 'Story Admin' ))

then you skip the html check for story admins and not only for root. This should be o.k. for a known group of admins who roughly knows html and uses advanced editor.

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