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Session timing out too Quickly (after migration to 1.5.0)

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guys let me know what i need to do here.

the permant and session time are both se to 8hours.

still times while i am writing the session and soon as i hit the submit button it goes to the main page. as anonyumous user.

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Quote by: Chase

guys let me know what i need to do here.

the permant and session time are both se to 8hours.

still times while i am writing the session and soon as i hit the submit button it goes to the main page. as anonyumous user.

In Configuration->Miscellaneous, set 'Cookie Domain' to the URL of your site, without the leading http://, eg. 'www.mysite.com'. FYI - in 1.4.1, this is the 'cookiedomain' variable in config.php.

Dirk -

This might be a candidate for a FAQ item.


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does it matter if i just use domain.com as oppose to www.domain.com

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If "Cookie Domain" is empty, Geeklog will set it automatically (internally). So I don't think that's the problem.

According to the original cookie specification, the Cookie Domain needs to contain at least 2 dots, so for www.example.com, it should be .example.com

bye, Dirk

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good point,

this means that the site url must also be www.domain.com

otherise it wont work? Am i correct?


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'www.example.com' would create cookies that are only valid for that domain. They won't work when you call up your site as http://example.com

Using '.example.com' would solve that, but the cookies created like that would also be valid for, say, "blah.example.com".

Geeklog uses '.example.com' when you leave the "Cookie Domain" setting empty.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Dirk

If "Cookie Domain" is empty, Geeklog will set it automatically (internally). So I don't think that's the problem.

According to the original cookie specification, the Cookie Domain needs to contain at least 2 dots, so for www.example.com, it should be .example.com

bye, Dirk

If it is not the problem, then I'm wondering why this approach tends to fix the problem every time. Therefore, while it may not be the problem, it appears to be the solution. Also - you're right, this is how I have it set on my site, apologies for the wrong detail in the suggestion.

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problem still exisits

all you need to do is login. click on contribute or post new link

type something and then wait for 10 minutes.

after that when you press submit. It will take you to the index page.
You will not get the message saying story saved. And you will
find yourself logged out.

right now my cookie domain =www.tazakino.com
and my site url=www.tazakino.com
cookie path=/

what else can i provide you to debug?

This causing major issues at my end for my users.
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What do you have for the cookie timeouts? Permanent Timeout and Session Timeout.

bye, Dirk

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permanet :28800
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ok did some more testing

bascially it is the general system behaviour
if a user logs and does noting for say round 5-10 mins
and clicks on any link he get thrown out.
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problem solved
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