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How come there's no url_rewrite for topics?


Just wondering.

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Mostly because nobody bothered yet. Also, from a quick look at the source, it's a bit tricky. URLs need to have a rather fixed set of parameters to make them rewritable. The index page has quite a few optional parameters that make this complicated.

bye, Dirk

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Also when we search anything the results are plain with that ?

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Quote by: ankur_mmy

Also when we search anything the results are plain with that ?

Sorry, can you rephrase that question please? Not sure what you mean ...

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: ankur_mmy

Also when we search anything the results are plain with that ?

Do you mean this perhaps? http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=3&showtopic=83369
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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what i meant was that whenever i search something on geeklog the results are without the URL rewritten...


@beewee: I am seeing that other discussion aswell

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So if you see that other discussion, you have your answer right there 8)

bye, Dirk

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Look also over here: http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=3&showtopic=82248
You better don't try that because you'll create duplicate content. I used the url "mydomain.com/topic_id/story_id" but it gave me lots of troubles because you have to change the paging in lib-common.php, and Google still indexed the "&topic=" and the "mydomain.com/article.php/story_id" pages despite the robots.txt.

By the way: can somebody make the background images of the quote parts a bit lighter? It's quite hard to read all text.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Registered: 02/18/08
Posts: 14
Thx.. the search Url is now fixed.

But i am still trying to fix the topics

>> http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=75373

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My advise: don't try to url_rewrite the topics. It will generate a lot of trouble with the paging etcetera. And you do not really need it, it's better to use the topics only for filtering content, and not for pointing the search engines to specific content.

Without the rewrite your homepage and stories have better SERP's, and the topics a bit lower SERP's. Google will follow the topics anyway, so why change lots of core files for a rewrite?

Have a look at the very large weblogs, they hardly use any categories anymore, but tags, and the GL Tags plugin has the url_rewrite you want.

Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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