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New User - No Password Email Sent...

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Registered: 01/04/08
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Saw several mentions of this topic (and similar), but none mentioned this symptom... unless I misread or missed altogether. Has anyone experienced case described below and is there a fix?

One of first things I did was test "new user" process and worked fine (the one account I set up). Since it worked for me, I only tried the one test account.

Today, new user tried to set up, but never got password. To troubleshoot, I tried again with test account as new user; here is what I found if it makes any sense to anyone.

I tried to set a new account (again) and it worked fine for me. Next, I tried to set new user using both Hotmail.com and Yahoo.com accounts and neither worked (meaning the passwords were never sent or at least never arrived at the two accounts). Also, the password email didn't get caught by one of their spam filters nor did it go direct to trash can.

Since the first two test accounts (under one domain... different from my site's domain) were delivered and two test user accounts using the other two domains, is it possible accounts delivering to Hotmail and Yahoo are part of the problem?

If it matters, I am using Chameleon themes and (at least two of them) they seem to work fine.

Any and all help is much appreciated.

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Who does your hosting service? It is possible that yahoo and hotmail have put your host's mail servers into their email blacklist. Did you look in the spam folder of the yahoo or hotmail account to see if the email ended up there?

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I did look in SPAM and TRASH folders for both Yahoo and Hotmail accounts; no email was received.

Hosting is through hostgator.

It sounds from your feedback that symptom is different from others seem with the email issues.


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I noticed this problem with Yahoo recently also. Emails from my site to a Yahoo account were taking up to 2 days to be delivered. My host, Site5, sent a request to Yahoo to remove the IP I'm on from their blacklist but nothing ever changed so I ended up switching to a Gmail account instead. This is a problem with shared webhosting and not with Geeklog itself.

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Thanks for the feedback. I am no programmer, but figured it to be something external to GL. The one thing I do know is asking sure beats wondering and not knowing at all.

I will check into the request to Yhoo and Hotmail for BL removal; if I see resolution, I will add another reply here with what happens.

Too bad we can't mask all of that. If I had feelings, I would almost feel discriminated against "as a shared hosting" minority.

Thanks again. (to both)



I just found your post since we have been experiencing this issue for months. It has been driving me crazy.

I can sign up with a Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, Gmail account and get the password for new account –mostly. The password will most of the time appears in the Junk, Spam mailbox, but at least it appears. Sometimes when I test a new user at the aforementioned mail services I NEVER get the new user email. This goes against the whole "blacklist" theory. I have tried this over 20 times with new email accounts.

Now just today, we had a member that forgot their Password and was trying to retrieve it through the forgot password form. After several attempts to get the email, he never got a response. He contacted our support email about not being able to retrieve a new password. Sure enough, he had registered months ago and had used the SAME email address he was trying to get the new password from. When he requested a new password from the site, he got nothing. The Password wasn't put in his Junk Mail, or in his inbox. He tried several times and wasn't able to get any response from our site. I had to manually change his password and contacted him from an email address from our same domain. Again, wouldn't that be blacklisted too?

So his email provider "aliencamel.com" let him register months ago, but now is blacklisting when we send him a new password? And yet aliencamel.com lets him recieve emails from the same domain (i.e. my email) Sounds like this blacklist theory is a bit weak.

We average about 5-8 new users a day now. Oddly enough, only about 3 ever register. We have posted "Check Your Junk and Spam Folders" when they sign up. Emails range from private domains to Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, and so on. If it were blacklisted, then why does a new user show up sometimes from these email services?

We are running a dedicated server, so this isn't just a shared hosting issue. If anything, this may be a mail issue on our end. Which I will have our server admin look into further. For the record, I just don't think the "blacklist" theory holds water.

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Fanny Mae

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We have the same issue, email not being sent for new registrations. I recall in the older GL versions that a data directory existed and a text file could be loaded there that would go out when a user registered. Not sure where that file is or should be in the latest GL version, but I'd sure like to find it and edit.

As to nothing going out at all (and I think that is what is happening in our case) perhaps a config file setting? I'm not sure.

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Quote by: Fanny+Mae

I recall in the older GL versions that a data directory existed and a text file could be loaded there that would go out when a user registered.


Quote by: Fanny+Mae

As to nothing going out at all (and I think that is what is happening in our case) perhaps a config file setting? I'm not sure.

Configuring email Try SMTP.

bye, Dirk

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This issue happened again this week. I did do additional testing with the Yahoo and Hotmail since earlier posts. The Hotmail accounts never posted the reply email at all. The Yahoo accounts did receive the login/password email from my site, but in every case (4 tries) it took several (3-6) hours to post to the Yahoo account (and it did go directly to inbox, not the spam filter).

I have to make time to look over Dirk's suggestions (links) when I have chance sometime this week. I will feedback on how they work out for me so others may benefit.

I really am not sure if it is an issue dealing with BANNED OR BLACK LISTED domains or even the shared server theory, but I am not yet convinced it is not related to either.

As for the "just not being sent" theory, if my Yahoo accounts would not have received the messages there sure would be more of a case for that.

I have not tested the GMAIL or other domains so I cannot speak on those.

My site is new; there were two new users sign in this week. One, at some point received the information needed. The second (interestingly enough a Hotmail account) has not yet logged in. In anticipation of a problem, I did send a second email to the user with alternate instructions, but have heard nothing. Since the new account was established on Friday, I thought I would give the user until Tuesday or so to activate the account before following up.

My thanks to all of you for your input. We will get there (a solution) I am sure. (fingers crossed)

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Registered: 03/03/15
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Hi deerslayer, sorry to bump this up but may I please ask on how you were able to fix this issue at this time?

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