Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 08:59 pm EST

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Invision Power Converge

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Registered: 10/06/04
Posts: 21
Has anyone tried, has anyone succeeded using IP Converge with Geeklog? According to Invision Power, it is..

Invision Power Converge is an application that centralizes the log in
authentication for many different applications.

The diagram below shows how IP.Converge communicates with ‘remote
applications’ (a remote application is any ‘Converge Ready’ application, such
as IP.Board or IP.Dynamic).

The system is based on XML-RPC method calls and method responses sent via
the internet.

For the past 5 years, the main body of my website has been an Invision Power Board. I have upwards of 700 members there. The Board has been very successful and has prompted me to expand the site considerably. I have chosen Geeklog as the CMS to front the site. It is now installed, along with the Gallery plugin, and it is well on the way to being fleshed out and ready for the public. I have not tried to integrate the Invision Power Board inside Geeklog. I see no reason to do that right now.


What I would like to do is have a centralized login for users who go to either the Geeklog CMS or to the Invision Power Board, and have them authenticated to use both applications. This way, only one cookie need be set, and they only have to log in once.

Invision Power Converge was offered up by Invision's tech services as a solution. Supposedly, no matter which application my site visitors login with, either Geeklog or IVP, IP Converge will check the database of both applications for a valid user ID and password. There is precious little documentation on the step by step installation procedure accompanying the application. I am brave, but not a programmer. The PDF, "Invision Power Board Developer Documentation, Version 2.3.x" does give a good amount of detail about the application, how it functions, and what is required. I can probably get the necessary installation information from that. I am willing to try. I am brave. But I am not a programmer, and I hate to make a mess of what is already working well.

So, has anyone ever tried this? Any thoughts to offer? If anyone is interested in looking at that PDF, I have uploaded it to one of my sites. You can get it at

Text Formatted Code

The information on IP Converge begins on page 23.

Thanks in advance for your help,


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