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Help! Problem With GUS killing site

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Something happened with GUS last night and now the site is down. I think the server is having MySQL problems, but the error messages indicate its having a problem parsing the function.inc in GUS.

I would like to kill or disable GUS temporarily. What's the best way to do that?



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Well, first of all you should really set
Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['rootdebug'] = false;
in your config.php since currently your site gives away way too much information ...

Then, I'd suggest you disable the plugin for the moment.

And then you can start looking into what actually happened.

bye, Dirk

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Thanks. Disabling GUS fixed the problem and the site came back up immediately.

And, I already have (had) rootdebug set to false in config.php

That being the case, is there some other way you were seeing the information you saw?



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It did dump all the current variables. That's what Geeklog's error handler does when an error occurs and you're logged in as a member of the Root group - or when you enable rootdebug in config.php. Double-check that you only have one 'rootdebug' entry there.

The only other thing I could think of is when you are using your own error handler (in lib-custom.php) or changed the code for the default error handler (in lib-common.php).

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: winnerdk

Something happened with GUS last night and now the site is down.

Just a wild thought from left field, are there any issues with available disk space and the size of the DB? I mention this as we ran into a couple of things while playing with our test site and seeing what would happen if a user's available disk quota was exceeded.

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Nope, only one debug entry in the config.php file.

The GUS plugin was causing the problem, and as soon as I turned it off the site came back up.


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Empty the tables that hold the tracked information, cant remember its name of the top of my head and it should work again.

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I have to dump the data in order to get the plugin to work?

And, this is the plugin that barfed and caused by site to go down for like 12 hours?

No thanks. If the plugin is not stable enough to allow it to run forever without having to worry about an accumulation of data crashing my site, I don't want it running.

Rather, I would like to know what happened and why. I would also like to know that there is a new release of GUS that has fixed the problem. And then, after I install the upgrade, I might let it run (and watch it like a hawk.)


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Its the fact that it doesnt manually clean up old entries and if your site is busy the DB becomes very big very quickly and can causes sql errors on some setups.

I get 50-60000 hits a week and have to clean it every month otherwise overall speed begins to be affected

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That's got to be the problem, then.

I installed GUS back in March of 2007, and have been averaging more than 5 million hits per month. Let me see how big the file is. Do you remember exactly what I have to empty out?


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Yup, that's got to be it. The database gl_gus_userstats has more than 3.9 million entries. I'm going to empty it out and reactivate the plugin to see if that fixes the problem.

For whoever writes GUS - you should add a feature to archive the data periodically to prevent this from happening. Or, maybe it's there and I'm just unaware of it.


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Yup, sure as hell. That was the problem. I just emptied the GUS data and reactivated the plugin, and it's back to working fine with no problems rendering the site. Thank you very much for the input.

And, this plugin should be fixed to prevent this from happening.


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Quote by: Dirk

It did dump all the current variables. That's what Geeklog's error handler does when an error occurs and you're logged in as a member of the Root group - or when you enable rootdebug in config.php. Double-check that you only have one 'rootdebug' entry there.

The only other thing I could think of is when you are using your own error handler (in lib-custom.php) or changed the code for the default error handler (in lib-common.php).

bye, Dirk

Hey Dirk;

I checked the config.php and there's only one rootdebug entry. And, I didn't modify the error handler or change any code. Can you help me to figure out what's going on with regards to this issue? Thanks.


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The GUS plugin does have an option to remove data under the admin menu. I've talked to Andy before (like a year or so ago) about adding a date range here so you don't have to remove all your stats. I don't think he is really updating his plugins anymore but I will check with him if I can. I dont' really see the point in archiving the data (instead of deleting) since similar problems will result (timeouts) when you review the reports data.

Have anyone else run into any other issues I should bring up?

I've had a few (I only remember 2):

1. If the referer is set to http:// it causes an error in the gus stats block
2. The users agent table ID field needs it's type to be set to an int or eventually you run out of ids.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.


Quote by: Laugh

The GUS plugin does have an option to remove data under the admin menu. I've talked to Andy before (like a year or so ago) about adding a date range here so you don't have to remove all your stats. I don't think he is really updating his plugins anymore but I will check with him if I can. I dont' really see the point in archiving the data (instead of deleting) since similar problems will result (timeouts) when you review the reports data.

Have anyone else run into any other issues I should bring up?

I've had a few (I only remember 2):

1. If the referer is set to http:// it causes an error in the gus stats block
2. The users agent table ID field needs it's type to be set to an int or eventually you run out of ids.



I have been in contact with Andy about all of this and he's going to get an update out. He might even jump in and say something, now that I just emailed him and included this link.


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Quote by: Laugh

The GUS plugin does have an option to remove data under the admin menu. I've talked to Andy before (like a year or so ago) about adding a date range here so you don't have to remove all your stats. I don't think he is really updating his plugins anymore but I will check with him if I can. I dont' really see the point in archiving the data (instead of deleting) since similar problems will result (timeouts) when you review the reports data.

Have anyone else run into any other issues I should bring up?

I've had a few (I only remember 2):

1. If the referer is set to http:// it causes an error in the gus stats block
2. The users agent table ID field needs it's type to be set to an int or eventually you run out of ids.


this is true but if the table gets to big you get an sql error when you go to that page and have to do it through phpmyadmin.

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I agree this plugin needs updating as I've experienced the above problems as well.
I'd also like to see the auto-deletion of the "ignored" instead of the little astrid(*) that appears in the admin to alert me to their exsistance. Maybe even add them to badbehavior or the ban plugin list as well.
Spambots visit sites with referral stats soley for the linkback value, and its frustrating to see them get listed at all.

And I agree that older stats should be auto-deleted as well(maybe a config set time limit) as mysite becomes sluggish after about a week of stats collection.

Hello Andy Smile
Hope HemoSpat is going well Smile

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Registered: 06/22/07
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Hello all. I have a problem with GUS too: since a couple of days, i get some rude parsing error while displaying referrers in the GUS block. I figured out the only way to remove the error is to set GUS not to display referrers in the block. Anyway, the error was displayed only to users in group Root, because they are the only ones who can see referrers. Maybe it has to do something with this thread?

Bye, Stefano



Quote by: predatorfe

Hello all. I have a problem with GUS too: since a couple of days, i get some rude parsing error while displaying referrers in the GUS block. I figured out the only way to remove the error is to set GUS not to display referrers in the block. Anyway, the error was displayed only to users in group Root, because they are the only ones who can see referrers. Maybe it has to do something with this thread?

Bye, Stefano


Ummm I think its something similar to the http:/// problem. This is a known bug and plus the author has been notified. He should be coming out with an updated version soon.


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predatorfe sounds like the http:// referer problem. You can use phpMyAdmin to delete the offending record by using this select statement to find the record.

Text Formatted Code

SELECT * FROM `gl_gus_userstats` WHERE referer='http%3A%2F%2F'

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