Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, June 17 2024 @ 05:59 am EDT

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Mode Feature in stories editor


can any one tell me what mode feature does in stories editor
it give you options for featured or not featured What does this actually do to the page ive tried both and cant see any difference

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
A featured story stays on top of the front page even if there are newer posts. Check out the current geeklog.net front page: The top story is dated September 17 even though there are newer stories below.

The featured story also uses different templates files, so you can make it stand out more if you want.

bye, Dirk

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The featured article will appear closest to the top of the public_html/index.php page. Each topic can have its own featured article so when you click to a different topic, the feature might change. The most recent featured article appears at the top of the homepage. If you look at the Geeklog homepage right now (I hope) you'll see the Summer of Code Roundup article appears first while more recent articles appear below it. That's because the Summer of Code article is the current featured article. (Or at least it was when I posted this.)


Thanks for your reply's I think this is one of the best forums iv used everyone is so help full some forum's people just try to put people down it nice to find people who are willing to help many thanks to you all


My experience is that this works for the homepage, but not if I try to add any others in the sections.


Setting an article to be featured will feature it on the homepage.

I have over 20 topics, though, which I use as sections of the site. (Like parts of a magazine).

I'd like to have a featured welcome to each section, AND the homepage. (Ie, I'd like 21 featured stories, one for the homepage, and one for each section). Right now, I settle for just the homepage.

All attempts around this limit seem to fail. Any ideas welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Geeklog only supports one featured story, I'm afraid.

Maybe this - rather obscure - setting would help?
Text Formatted Code
// When set to 1, this will render the first story on any page using the
// templates for featured stories - even if that story is not featured.
$_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] = 0;

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/16/05
Posts: 47
Maybe staticpages would work for what you need. You could create featured welcomes with 21 different staticpages. Just check centerblock, make sure position is "top of page" and select the topic you want it to show up in.

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