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Advanced User Edit

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Registered: 06/19/02
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How can an Admin edit user advanced settings? i.e. Bio, picture, etc..

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I recall there being a hack to let the admin login as another user but I can't find it. Otherwise you'll have to go through the database to make those kinds of changes.

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Registered: 07/26/06
Posts: 39
I have that hack, User Login for Root:


I and one other had this problem with it:


Good luck!
"A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking."--Steven Wright

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Did you ever get it to work? If not, you should convert that staticpage to a function. Take everything from below the include lib-common line to the end (before the ?>Wink and paste it into your lib-common as a new function (called "custom_loginasuser" or somesuch name). Then replace the entire staticpage contents with just a call to the function. If you need help, I'll post again with more explicit instructions.

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Registered: 07/26/06
Posts: 39
OK, I didn't schedule enough time when I first looked at User Login for Root.

The problem was the line
Text Formatted Code
// copy this code into it ( w/o the <? ?>!)

was turning off php when it hit that ending designation. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophesy! :kickcan:

Works great when you get it working. It allows root to edit any user's info except password protected changes like email address.
"A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking."--Steven Wright

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