Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 13 2025 @ 08:40 pm EST

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blog roll mod


I was playing with dirks blogroll block and ive got it working with no problem but im wanting to do a slight mod, to the code currently the code reads
$result = DB_query ("SELECT lid,url,title FROM {$_TABLES['links']} WHERE category > '$cat'" . COM_getPermSql ('AND') . " ORDER BY $sort");
Which everything is good but i dont need the category filter i want to show all categories and just filter on new links, i tried removing it and now i get nothing it then tried
$result = DB_query ("SELECT lid,url,title FROM {$_TABLES['links']} WHERE category <=> '$cat'" . COM_getPermSql ('AND') . " ORDER BY $sort");
and i set cat to '' but again i get nothing, i thought about makeing $cat and array but then if someone where to specify other as a category then of course i would have to add it to the array for it to show. Anyone know what im missing here?

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Get rid of the WHERE clause entirely:
Text Formatted Code
$result = DB_query ("SELECT lid,url,title FROM {$_TABLES['links']}" . COM_getPermSql ('WHERE') . " ORDER BY $sort");

Note the change in COM_getPermSql, though.

Disclaimer: Completely untested ...

bye, Dirk


Well dirk you never cease to impress me ,thanks that code snippet worked , the only thing i have to do know is figure out why its sorting by date but from oldest to newest. At first i thought i had accidentally set it to random but after i added a few links i noticed the newest ones allways go to the bottom. Im trying to figure out how the variable date larget to smallest would look, any takers on that one?

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