Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:47 am EDT

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{ or } being stripped off.. any fixes?


I'm trying to make use of some cool javascript code in my geeklog template and it appears that Geeklog assumes the the code in between the { and } is a variable and keeps stripping it. The line of code looks like this:
Text Formatted Code
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    new Rico.Effect.Round( null, 'blah', {corners:'top,bottom',bgColor:'#97A1AA'} );
After it has been rendered, the page source reports this:
Text Formatted Code
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    new Rico.Effect.Round( null, 'blah',  );
Currently I have this code in my footer.thtml file... In this article they talk about it too, but no resolution is given. Any ideas on how to get by this? Thanks

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Registered: 08/29/05
Posts: 985
The only possible way to fix this is to go into lib-common.php and find the function COM_siteFooter. Find this line:
Text Formatted Code

    $footer = new Template( $_CONF['path_layout']);

and make it
Text Formatted Code

    $footer = new Template( $_CONF['path_layout'], "keep" );

This tells the template library not to delete unknown replacement strings.


Thank you! That did the trick!

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