Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 05:55 am EDT

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Registered: 10/08/06
Posts: 3
Location:Evansville, IN
has anyone thought about making a DIGG block, something that shows the last 10 diggs that a user has made... or something along that line, i am sure i will get posts from people telling me to learn how to write the code, and yes i know i am being lazy, but i was wondering if there was already something out there, or if someone that already knows how to write the code would write one Smile

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Forum User
Registered: 10/08/06
Posts: 3
Location:Evansville, IN
guess i am posting my own answer, but if you go to DIGG TOOLS they have a java script code of your last 5, 10, 15, or 20 diggs. if you put this into a static page and have the static page listed on your front page, it works pretty nice
you can see it working here

Guy De Marco

Danny, just so you know, when you click on a DIGG link, and it opens over your page in a pop-up, you cannot scroll it down, it makes the page shake so you can't read it. The link itself works fine. You may want to look at the pop-up in other browsers to make sure it works as you want.

Guy De Marco


I have actualy stopped using GEEKLOG and changed to JOOMLA, i am aware of the issue though, and i am working on it Smile

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