Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:05 am EDT

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WANTED: Post Date Hack will pay

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Registered: 07/24/04
Posts: 63
Location:Lewiston, Idaho
I'll be happy to pay someone for this information if necessary.

What I'm looking for is a way to change the default list of years that are available in the drop-down menu on the Submit form.

I've been blogging for 5+ years, and I have posts from as far back as 2001 that I would like to post to my current blog running in Geeklog. Right now, when I post a story I can only select between 2005 and 2011 as the year. I'd like to be able to add earlier years to those posts so that my current blog can be accurate as to date and time of the actual post.

I'm more of a designer than a developer, and I'm sure I've looked at the relevant code at least six times now but I just can't seem to find it.

Thanks in advance,
"Beauty... is the shadow of God on the universe." ~ Gabriela Mistral -- Desolacíon

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In public_html/lib-common.php, find the function COM_getYearFormOptions and change the line:
Text Formatted Code
    for( $i = $start_year - 1; $i <= $cur_year + 5; $i++ )
Text Formatted Code
    for( $i = 2000; $i <= $cur_year + 5; $i++ )
That should work in 1.3.11 and 1.4.0.

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Registered: 07/24/04
Posts: 63
Location:Lewiston, Idaho
Thank you so much! I must have looked at that six times without seeing that line. Code + lack of sleep = duhhhhhhrrrr

Thanks again,
"Beauty... is the shadow of God on the universe." ~ Gabriela Mistral -- Desolacíon

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