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Upage Plugin Error

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When uploading a photo I get this
Text Formatted Code

Warning: opendir(C:/websites/MYSITE.com/upage/upic/2/): failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:geeklog10pluginsupagefunctions.inc on line 878

Warning: fopen(C://websites/MYSITE.com/upage/upic/2/image1.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:geeklog10pluginsupagefunctions.inc on line 1124

Warning: unlink(/tmp/upic.20060527124643356): No such file or directory in C:geeklog10pluginsupagefunctions.inc on line 909

It appears the it didn't make the upic directory for the user therefore it can't open a directory that isn't there.

I also receive this confusing message...
Text Formatted Code

[image1.jpg] ...
        ... Successful file upload
File is not of specified type

Does it not support JPG images?

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I take that back, it did create the directory and uploaded the photo. But when I tried to change the page I get this

test [DB Error : there can be only 1]

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The first error is most likely only on the initial creation of the directory for a user and althought it's telling us that it didn't create it, it did. I suspect that it won't give me that error once it's created. Now why the error?

I am able to upload the jpg but it says wrong file type. I added jpg to file type in upic_type in mysql but still get the file type error.

And I still get [DB Error : there can be only 1] when I put in [pic]image.jpg[/pic]

I'll do more troubleshooting to see what I can figure out.


i seem to be coming across the same problem with image upload, did you manage to sort it out?

also do you know if there is a way to allow full html in the creation of Upages/ like the static page plugin? i've a quick look around but can't seem to find how to do it.

cheers luke

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is that no to the pictures or to the allowing full html input

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It's been a bit and I've slept since then but I think you have full html so you could include a img src to a photo that's already been uploaded.

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