Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 08:27 pm EST

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Setting up spelling

Matthew Hirsch

I posted this on my non geeklog blog for people to see at:
Setup Spell check for geeklog

You modify 3 files.

1. Modify Config.php to enable advanced editing
2. Modify from your php files fckeditor/fckconfig.js to include spell check on the option bar
3. Modify ckeditor/fckconfig.js to use the spelling option that will work with browsers other than IE.
4. If you are working on a unix machine you need to modify spellchecker.php

INdepth. (note blog is properly layed out)

1) modify config.php

The editor is not enabled by default and requires the option to be changed in the main site config.php file
// | Support for custom templaes to support advanced Rich Text Editor
// | Checked in comment.php, submit.php, admin/story.php and
// | staticpages/index.php. If set true and advanced template exists
// | Note: If enabled, the default postmode will be html
$_CONF['advanced_editor'] = true;

2) modify the public_html (or wherever you have your public php geeklog pages) public_html/fckeditor/fckconfig.js
Edit the line labeled: (around line 84-87)
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["editor-toolbar1"] = [

Replace the section: 'Indent','FullWindow'
with: 'Indent','SpellCheck','FullWindow'

3) Most likely you are NOT using IE right?!?
FCKConfig.SpellChecker is around line 147 Change to FCKConfig.SpellChecker = 'SpellerPages'

4) If you are running on a Unix machine change the file goto the directory below where you have your public php pages:

and edit the file spellchecker.php
So that $aspell_prog = 'aspell' (just uncomment that line and comment out the line 2 lines down) This is about line 9


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