Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:48 am EDT

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what'm i doing wrong?


Text Formatted Code
function phpblock_happytimes ()
    $sql = "SELECT SUM(times) FROM table WHERE DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL 31 DAY ) <= date GROUP BY WEEK(date) DESC LIMIT 4";
    return DB_query($sql);

I get "Resource id #133" from the Home topic (125, 124, & 120 on other topics) in that block.

The SQL is legit and should return 2 rows of 1 field (does in phpMyAdmin). Admittedly I know little about php. Can anyone help?


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Registered: 07/25/03
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Location:Sheffield, UK
DB_query either returns false, or a result set resource. It does not return any HTML or anything that can be directly evaluated to a meaningful string.

You will need to write some code to loop through all the results in that result set and format them up as HTML. Using DB_numResults (hmm not 100% sure that's the right function name) and DB_fetchArray.


You mention DB_. Where can I find out more about those functions??

Thanks for your help,

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Registered: 07/25/03
Posts: 141
Location:Sheffield, UK
lib-database.php in the system directory of your geeklog install.



I got it working already. I'll have to read thru that file and get this figured out. Thanks for the pointers though.


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