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Filemgmt Plugin Version 1.5

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You are right. Page 2 goes to the page 2 of the entire filemgmt rather than that of the category.

Another bug!



If I'm attempting to upgrade from v1.2, do I need to go to 1.3 first, then to 1.5? Or might there be some instruction on how to upgrade from .2? I can do manual sql stuff if it requires it. Any help greatly appreciated Smile

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Good grief!

You are still using 1.2! It's up to you I guess. How much risk you can take and how skillful you are to fix it something goes wrong.

It doesn't take long to upgrade it twice. If you know how to fix it and have a backup, go directly with 1.5.


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Quote by Trinity: did a fresh install and went to add a catagory and a file that worked fine but when i went to take a look to see if the file was there on /filemgmt/index.php u get a sql error

here is the error from the log

Mon 20 Mar 2006 19:26:59 EST - 1054: Unknown column 'd.cid' in 'on clause'. SQL in question: SELECT d.lid, d.cid, d.title, url, homepage, version, size, platform, submitter, logourl, status, date, hits, rating, votes, comments, description, grp_access FROM gl_filemgmt_filedetail d, gl_filemgmt_filedesc t LEFT JOIN gl_filemgmt_category c ON d.cid=c.cid WHERE status > 0 AND d.lid=t.lid ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0, 5

Since i'm using MySQL 5.0.18 & i have the same problem with you it's just that i have v1.3 installed & i just need to upgrade & the upgrading works great. You can fix the problem by modifying file index.php.

1. find a line:
Text Formatted Code
        $sql .= "date, hits, rating, votes, comments, description, grp_access FROM {$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_filedetail']} d, ";


replace with:
Text Formatted Code
        $sql .= "date, hits, rating, votes, comments, description, grp_access FROM ({$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_filedetail']} d, ";


2. find another line:
Text Formatted Code
        $sql .= "{$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_filedesc']} t LEFT JOIN {$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_cat']} c ON d.cid=c.cid ";


and replace with:
Text Formatted Code
        $sql .= "{$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_filedesc']} t) LEFT JOIN {$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_cat']} c ON d.cid=c.cid ";


P/S: maybe Blaine should try to install mysql5 for testing purpose.

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Quote by lokki: I have a problem. I have a category "Movies" and under it a subcategory "Fiction". When I hit Fiction, I see a page which lists some of the fiction movies (url like "..../filemgmt/viewcat.php?cid=33"). And at the end there are links to next and last page. But both of them lead not to smth like ".../filemgmt/viewcat.php?cid=33&page=2" but to ".../filemgmt/index.php?page=2". So when I want to view second(or last as I have two of them) page of my fiction movies, I get a second page of 'all files' listing.
Any ideas? Thanks

The fix to this is line 167 of viewcat.php - change it to this line
Text Formatted Code

$base_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemgmt/viewcat.php?cid='.$cid;


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Thanks Blaine, works great

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Autotag doesn't seem to work. It goes to the general download page, rather than the file.


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I just uploaded an update - version 1.5.2

  • Bug Fix: Search function should not return any files that have not been approved
  • Bug Fix: Corrected autotag link feature
  • Bug Fix: Wrong error code being passed to error handler if new file submission is a duplicate file
  • If user has filemgmt.edit right, show the delete comment feature
  • Added test for file id is not a new (un-approved) file in main index.php
  • tweaked the errorhandler display

    Changed files include several files in the public_html directory as well as the plugins functions.inc file. Best to replace all files. Run the plugin upgrade from the plugin editor listing to update the plugin version - no database changes.

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    Thanks, comments really can be deleted now!

    However, $REMOTE_ADDR is still used in admin/install.php
    Of course, I haven't really looked for other outdated parameters that may be out there.

    And although "more" is finallly not hardcoded (since v1.5.1), other strings still are (like the ones that define the paths).

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    I still couldn't get the autotag working. It leads me to the filemgmt main page rather than the file itself. Am I missing something?

    Let me try it here. Geeklog 1.3.10rc3


    It doesn't work here either. It goes to filemgmt/index.php/449 rather than filemgmt/index.php?id=449.

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    I guess it it doesn't work if the url rewriting is on?

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    Figured out!

    Change the following codes arround line 788 in functions.inc

    Text Formatted Code
    $url = COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemgmt/index.php?id='  . $file_id);



    Text Formatted Code
    $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemgmt/index.php?id=' . $file_id;


    The idea is to remove the "Com_buildUrl" so that it will bypass the url rewrite, so you also need to remove the parantheses because it is nolonger necessary.

    I changed it to the following because I want the file to start downloading when clicked, instead of going through another step, which would often confuse the user if they are not familier with the filemgmt:

    Text Formatted Code
    $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=' . $file_id;


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    Running Geeklog 1.40 latest edition. I have only 2 plugins installed that were not installed with Geeklog. Phpbb birdge, and GUS.

    After placing all the files correctly into their directories, I login as admin, then go to plugins, I see the plugin, click install, no page loads.

    This url appears at the top http://www.3dge-systems.com/admin/plugins/filemgmt/install.php?action=install

    I do not even get an error, the page just comes up blank, all white. Please help.

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    I recently began using Geeklog and love it. I installed filemgmt 1.5.2 and everything was working without any problems. However when I tried to upload a file I got this:

    File Management Plugin Error Code: 1017
    ERROR: The file was not uploaded. Check permissions or duplicate file.

    Now I know the permissions are correct, all the folders were the files are stored are CHMODed to 777. Also I've already configured the paths to the correct place in my directory. I know it's not a duplicate; I'm on FTP and can't see a duplicate. I also tried uploading a small random file about 2kb and it uploaded properly. So this leads me to a conclusion. You can't upload large files. The file i ran into problems was about 3.4mb in size. I was looking through most of the files in filemgmt and didn't see anything to refer to a limit on file size. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Drake250.

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    You upload files size is limited by php.ini. I hope you have access to php.ini, or you have to ask your hosting company to do it for you. If you need more information, search for the threads both here in this forum and in www.PortalParts.com.


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    Thank you very much Sam. I found out how to edit the php.ini from there. For anyone else confonting this problem just do this:

    Create a php.ini file that says this:

    register_globals = On
    memory_limit = 100M
    upload_max_filesize = 100M
    post_max_size = 100M
    max_execution_time = 1800

    Now upload this file in your /public_html/admin/plugins/filemgmt directory as well as your /public_html/filemgmt/ directory.

    I found this info on this topic.

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    I was wondering... How can the "glmenu integration" be done? Is "glmenu" same as the good ol' "menu plugin"?

    I've visited portalparts.com and that's exactly what I want to do: placing a downloads "section" under menu and showing categories/subcategories from there.


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    glMenu is one of Blaine's plugins. Visit portalparts.com again and you'll see it there.

    bye, Dirk

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    Cool!!!!... Thanks for the info, Dirk ;-)

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    I've thrown togehter a patch for 1.5.2 that allows users/groups a new right that allows them to upload files without need for an administrator to accept the upload.


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