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i've been using and testing CMS portal and blog tools and i want to say that geeklog rocks.

i only missing a feature to permalinks, i mean, it's good to search engine permalinks with name, like the name of post.

I don't know, maybe it's easy to modify, but i'm newbie with PHP.

So, it's my suggestion:

Give option to change "article.php?story=20060319043305796"
to "article.php?story=name-of-article"


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Quote by fakestar: Give option to change "article.php?story=20060319043305796"
to "article.php?story=name-of-article"

It's right there in the Admin's story editor ...

And that's not a "permalink" at all, it's only the story's id. Geeklog gives the story a date-based id by default, but you're free to change it at any time.

bye, Dirk

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Posts: 37
Thanks Dirk,

And how can i put a tag to show this in every post?
i mean, something like permalink:http://site.com/article.php?story=name-of-article?

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In the Professional theme, the story's title is already a link to the article page. You could change the stylesheet to make that more visible.

Or add something like
Text Formatted Code
Permalink: {article_url}
to the story template files. Add some HTML if you want it clickable. Basically, {article_url} is the story's URL. More variables here.

bye, Dirk

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Thanks again Dirk. Smile

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That`s a good idea especially for people who are used to the word permalink like typepad.com users, e.g. http://customerevangelists.typepad.com/ As one can`t click the headline of a story it is badly necessary to tell people where the permalink is.

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I changed it now under my stories www.hallomarkus.de to show a "permalink" and I think it is more attractive that any trackback sign. I understand easily the indirect message "link this article".

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nice, 1000ideen , you need to put it manually in your posts? or you edit the article.php?

I think i gonna do the same in http://fotocomedia.com
I don't need comments...


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You need to change the storytext.thtml and featuredstorytext.thtml. I changed this
Text Formatted Code

{post_comment_link}  <a href="{article_url}">Permalink</a>  {start_comments_anchortag}


You may also drop the comments.

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do u know which tag is "send to a friend"?

i found {email_icon} but i don't want to use image, i want text like "send to friend"


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That looks a bit more complex to replace. Maybe you just exchange the graphics? Make a mail.png with the text in it.

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