Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 11 2025 @ 01:33 pm EST
Geeklog Forums
Pls take a look and tell me what you think - Thx!
Of interest:
- Cedko Doodleizer application
- Cedko e-commerce shoppe + paypal integration
- QPete Shrine application + paypal integration
- phpFormGenerator registration form
- Blaine's Forum plugin
- Mark Evan's Media Gallery plugin
- Use of iframes in static pages to integrate content
You need to register as a user to view some of the modules.
Cheers, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Of interest:
- Cedko Doodleizer application
- Cedko e-commerce shoppe + paypal integration
- QPete Shrine application + paypal integration
- phpFormGenerator registration form
- Blaine's Forum plugin
- Mark Evan's Media Gallery plugin
- Use of iframes in static pages to integrate content
You need to register as a user to view some of the modules.
Cheers, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 57
Hey pretty good site. Love the modifications to the professional theme.
I can see that you have done a lot to make this site look good but what it lacks is member participation. I see the forums in their virgin state. You might wanna put up a shoutbox or a chatterblock in there or maybe some sort of feedback engine. Geekbook is pretty good if you can customize it to your taste.
loving the Doodleliser!
You might wanna put an eraser in there instead of having to blank out the whole canvas.
I can see that you have done a lot to make this site look good but what it lacks is member participation. I see the forums in their virgin state. You might wanna put up a shoutbox or a chatterblock in there or maybe some sort of feedback engine. Geekbook is pretty good if you can customize it to your taste.
loving the Doodleliser!
You might wanna put an eraser in there instead of having to blank out the whole canvas.

Quote by zaurav: Hey pretty good site. Love the modifications to the professional theme.
I can see that you have done a lot to make this site look good but what it lacks is member participation. I see the forums in their virgin state. You might wanna put up a shoutbox or a chatterblock in there or maybe some sort of feedback engine. Geekbook is pretty good if you can customize it to your taste.
loving the Doodleliser!
You might wanna put an eraser in there instead of having to blank out the whole canvas.
I can see that you have done a lot to make this site look good but what it lacks is member participation. I see the forums in their virgin state. You might wanna put up a shoutbox or a chatterblock in there or maybe some sort of feedback engine. Geekbook is pretty good if you can customize it to your taste.
loving the Doodleliser!
You might wanna put an eraser in there instead of having to blank out the whole canvas.

Hi Zaurav, Thx for the feedback! Appreciate it. I customised this site for a cartoonist, he hasn't gone public with it yet so that's why it's still quiet. I was thinking of putting a chatterbox but afraid of spam, so left it out for now. Will take a look at geekbook as suggested.
Glad you like the doodleizer! Working on the eraser, it's harder than I thought it would be

NOTE: The original code for this was created by C. Smith, you can get the code here: http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Applications/Simple_S-C_Smith-7833/index.php
More advanced version: http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Applications/Advanced-C_Smith-7875/index.php
One trick to erase is to make the colour white then paint over the doodle but that's kind of cheating I guess

Anyways, Thx again for the feedback! mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Quote by garfy: hi
nice site
what forum are you using
it is not phpbb bridge right and did you customize it a lot??
nice site
what forum are you using
it is not phpbb bridge right and did you customize it a lot??
Thanks Garfy, didn't change anything to the forum plugin, am using it as is. Easy to set-up and manage, great plugin. You can get if from the downloads section or Blaine's site: portalparts.com
Cheers, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
New and improved Cedko Doodleizer. Saves user created content to a MySQL database. Integrated into Geeklog CMS using iframes and static pages.
Cheers, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Cheers, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
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