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phpbb what plugin??

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Registered: 02/08/06
Posts: 33
What plugin should I use so I can include phpbb that I have installed?

Forum Plugin Version 2.5 Release
phpBBBridge 1.0 released!

I know phpbbbridge will work but not sure about the other one and if it does what are the differences?


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The Forum plugin has nothing at all to do with phpBB. If you want phpBB, use the phpBBBridge.

bye, Dirk

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thanks Dirk

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am I correct in that phpbbbridge includes a modified version of phpbb to work with GL. So I should uninstall the version I have. Is there any documentation out there that I can do it myself?

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Yes, the phpBBBridge comes with a (slightly) modified version of phpBB. It also creates the phpBB users from the Geeklog database, so there isn't really an easy way to take your exiting phpBB instance and merge it with a Geeklog install.

One person did write a script which supposedly converts an existing phpBB board to a Geeklog/phpBBBridge install. I've never tested it, and don't know how well it works, but you could give it a try.

Otherwise, if your boards are fairly new, the easiest thing to do would just be to wipe your boards and start over.

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Posts: 33
One more question then, how would I go about updating to the latest phpbb after I install phpbbbridge if I don't know what was modified?

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When a new version of phpBB is released, I release a new version of the plugin.

The phpBB team also releases an update MOD, which you can use to upgrade your site. It usually works, but if you don't feel comfortable doing that, you can just wait for me to release the next version.

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