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Comunity Geeklog in Spanish ??
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exists some community geeklog in Spanish? and if there is no it it needs to undertake one?
spanish ..
existe alguna comunidad geeklog en español ? y si no lo hay que se necesita para emprender una ?
Grettings !!
Saludos !!
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::Geeklog support in Spanish::
spanish ..
existe alguna comunidad geeklog en español ? y si no lo hay que se necesita para emprender una ?
Grettings !!

Saludos !!

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::Geeklog support in Spanish::
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Location:Guatemala, Central America
about the spanish community, if there's none, can somebody tell us what is necessary to build one?
At this moment, we (koalasoft and me), know about 5 or 6 guys that are really interested in building this community so, we would like to know all the requirements to get this site working. We're having some technical problems right now (servers) but we hope they'll get fixed soon. Any comments are welcome.
Thanks for your attention, and we're looking forward hearing from you.
about the spanish community, if there's none, can somebody tell us what is necessary to build one?
At this moment, we (koalasoft and me), know about 5 or 6 guys that are really interested in building this community so, we would like to know all the requirements to get this site working. We're having some technical problems right now (servers) but we hope they'll get fixed soon. Any comments are welcome.
Thanks for your attention, and we're looking forward hearing from you.
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Well, just my ideas:
Other communities try to keep everything together and build subsections in an international forum. E.g. Mambo has 1 big forum and there you find an international / German section. You research one question and find answers in many languages. http://forum.mamboserver.com/index.php
At first it seems like a nice toy to have one`s own server and forum / portal but is also much work (poor Dirk). It also splits the community though it is only a language matter.
One may discuss the pros and cons also from the technical point of view. As for design it is quite easy to give the say "Spanish section" an own design with CSS.
What you need is a section on the forum in Spanish and translated articles. Both should easily be possible here on Geeklog.net. Of course the same would be true for other languages.
Don`t get me wrong, I don`t want to stop anybody who likes to have something on his own and be proud of his work. I just want to point out that this is the very reason why there are so many Blog / CMS around. I prefer working together, it is more rewarding in the end.
Hm, I just got the feeling that a subsection might lead to the very agreeable developement of sub categories -
- probably this was what my subconscience had in mind when i wrote this posting.
Other communities try to keep everything together and build subsections in an international forum. E.g. Mambo has 1 big forum and there you find an international / German section. You research one question and find answers in many languages. http://forum.mamboserver.com/index.php
At first it seems like a nice toy to have one`s own server and forum / portal but is also much work (poor Dirk). It also splits the community though it is only a language matter.
One may discuss the pros and cons also from the technical point of view. As for design it is quite easy to give the say "Spanish section" an own design with CSS.
What you need is a section on the forum in Spanish and translated articles. Both should easily be possible here on Geeklog.net. Of course the same would be true for other languages.
Don`t get me wrong, I don`t want to stop anybody who likes to have something on his own and be proud of his work. I just want to point out that this is the very reason why there are so many Blog / CMS around. I prefer working together, it is more rewarding in the end.
Hm, I just got the feeling that a subsection might lead to the very agreeable developement of sub categories -

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in english ..
Indeed. this good that in this forum is a section to give support to which we spoke Spanish.
at least in mexico there are many people interested in learning but on geeklog but ingles almost does not handle much to it (like I)
Dirk that would seem to him to put a section in Spanish asi haria I the Mexican invitation to site any doubt and power to give support of geeklog.
that you say Dirk?
Saludos !!
in Spanish ..
Efectivamente .. esta bien que en este foro haya una sección para dar soporte a los que hablamos español. al menos en mexico hay muchas personas interesadas en aprender mas sobre geeklog pero el ingles casi no lo manejan mucho (como yo).
Dirk que le parecería poner una sección en español asi yo haria la invitación a sitio mexicanos para cualquier duda y poder dar soporte de geeklog.
que dices Dirk ?
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
Indeed. this good that in this forum is a section to give support to which we spoke Spanish.
at least in mexico there are many people interested in learning but on geeklog but ingles almost does not handle much to it (like I)

Dirk that would seem to him to put a section in Spanish asi haria I the Mexican invitation to site any doubt and power to give support of geeklog.
that you say Dirk?

Saludos !!
in Spanish ..
Efectivamente .. esta bien que en este foro haya una sección para dar soporte a los que hablamos español. al menos en mexico hay muchas personas interesadas en aprender mas sobre geeklog pero el ingles casi no lo manejan mucho (como yo).

Dirk que le parecería poner una sección en español asi yo haria la invitación a sitio mexicanos para cualquier duda y poder dar soporte de geeklog.
que dices Dirk ?

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
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I guess there are good arguments for both solutions, i.e. either start a Spanish Geeklog site or have a Spanish forum here on this site.
Personally, I think it would only clutter the forums here (since, obviously, we would then also have to start a French and Chinese and ... forum as soon as someone requests it). Also, since I don't speak Spanish, I would have no idea what you're talking about - which makes me fell, well, uncomfortable.
So, even if it requires a bit of sending people back and forth, I'd prefer you start a Spanish site of your own. Good luck!
bye, Dirk
Personally, I think it would only clutter the forums here (since, obviously, we would then also have to start a French and Chinese and ... forum as soon as someone requests it). Also, since I don't speak Spanish, I would have no idea what you're talking about - which makes me fell, well, uncomfortable.
So, even if it requires a bit of sending people back and forth, I'd prefer you start a Spanish site of your own. Good luck!
bye, Dirk
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Location:Guatemala, Central America
Thanks for the comment Dirk,
so, I'll talk to the people I told you about and we'll soon get the site working. I'll let you know when it is finished so you can include the link at geeklog.net.
so, I'll talk to the people I told you about and we'll soon get the site working. I'll let you know when it is finished so you can include the link at geeklog.net.
I am interested in participating in the hispanic geeklog community. In fact, today I was beginning to translate some parts of the documentation so that some friends who understand very little of English. Please if you could warn to me when this community will working. My mail is rcechang@yahoo.es I participe very little in the forums, so I am going to be thankful to you if you write to me.
Sorry, my bad english.
Estoy interesado en participar en la comunidad geeklog de habla hispana. De hecho, hoy mismo estaba empezando a traducir algunas partes de la documentación para que algunos amigos que entienden muy poco de inglés. Por favor si pudieran avisarme cuando esta comunidad este funcionando a mi correo rcechang@yahoo.es . Casi nunca ingreso a los foros, así que les voy a agradecer bastante si me escriben. Saludos
I am interested in participating in the hispanic geeklog community. In fact, today I was beginning to translate some parts of the documentation so that some friends who understand very little of English. Please if you could warn to me when this community will working. My mail is rcechang@yahoo.es I participe very little in the forums, so I am going to be thankful to you if you write to me.
Sorry, my bad english.
Estoy interesado en participar en la comunidad geeklog de habla hispana. De hecho, hoy mismo estaba empezando a traducir algunas partes de la documentación para que algunos amigos que entienden muy poco de inglés. Por favor si pudieran avisarme cuando esta comunidad este funcionando a mi correo rcechang@yahoo.es . Casi nunca ingreso a los foros, así que les voy a agradecer bastante si me escriben. Saludos
Si realmente hay una comunidad hispana fuerte detras de esto, cedería parte de mi website http://www.pcbsd.es ,un apartado de descargas y del foro para el Geeklog-es
Hare lo mismo con cualquier proyecto libre:
Estoy pensando en hacer lo mismo con Gnash (reproductor flash libre),
LoosersJuegos (juegos para linux libres),
Planeshift (juego mmorpg que promete,libre tb),...
Hare lo mismo con cualquier proyecto libre:
Estoy pensando en hacer lo mismo con Gnash (reproductor flash libre),
LoosersJuegos (juegos para linux libres),
Planeshift (juego mmorpg que promete,libre tb),...
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Asi es .. eso intentamos hacer ... crear la comunidad hispa para geeklog, que que este a mi punto de vista es muy confiable y su administración ni se diga ...
Estamos buscando por ahora el amigo luiguirockero y yo algun servidor para alojarlo o en caso contrario levantarlo nosotros mismo .. pero por falta de tiempo ya sea por el trabajo o estudia por ahora no ha sido posible..
Espero que mas personas se unan a esto y explotar a lo maximo este excelente sistema CMS.
saludos !!
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::

Estamos buscando por ahora el amigo luiguirockero y yo algun servidor para alojarlo o en caso contrario levantarlo nosotros mismo .. pero por falta de tiempo ya sea por el trabajo o estudia por ahora no ha sido posible..
Espero que mas personas se unan a esto y explotar a lo maximo este excelente sistema CMS.
saludos !!

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
Hola Koala. He intentado registrarme en tu web, pero no lo he conseguido. Mis ojos miopes no pueden descifrar el texto en negrita de la imagen de seguridad.
También estoy interesado en conocer algo mejor Geeklog sin necesidad de escribir en inglés.
También estoy interesado en conocer algo mejor Geeklog sin necesidad de escribir en inglés.
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Quote by ppsaura: Hola Koala. He intentado registrarme en tu web, pero no lo he conseguido. Mis ojos miopes no pueden descifrar el texto en negrita de la imagen de seguridad.
También estoy interesado en conocer algo mejor Geeklog sin necesidad de escribir en inglés.
También estoy interesado en conocer algo mejor Geeklog sin necesidad de escribir en inglés.
Ponte en contacto conmigo en este enlace diciendome que nombre de usuario quieres y contraseña ya despues tu la cambias a tu gusto

Y efectivamnete ya hay un sitio geeklog hspano BETA pero estamos en detalles ... Saludos !!
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::Geeklog support in Spanish::
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Location:Santiago de Cuba. Cuba
Yo intenté poner un sitio a tales efectos pero por problemas de restricciones no puede verse en internet, si alguien lo crea pues participaré y si alguien tiene un servidor y me da la posibilidad de ponerlo a funcionar pues lo agradeceré, todos ganamos con eso, asi que cuenten conmigo.
I tried to put a site to such effects but by problems of restrictions she cannot see in Internet, if somebody creates it because I will participate and if somebody has a servant and it gives the possibility me of putting it to work because I will thank for it, all we won with that, so they count with me.
I tried to put a site to such effects but by problems of restrictions she cannot see in Internet, if somebody creates it because I will participate and if somebody has a servant and it gives the possibility me of putting it to work because I will thank for it, all we won with that, so they count with me.
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Ahora bien en algunos de los caso en que no se puede tener un hosting dedicado para eso .. pueod poner un foro dedicado para la comunidad geeklgo hispano en el Sitio de Amigos para lo cual si asi sucede y llevarlo a cabo necesitaria de su apoyo para no solamnete pedir ayuda sobre esto si no tambien participar con noticas sobre geeklog en espeñol claro esta .. vaya traducciones del sitio de aqui
y responder las preguntas.
Llevo algo de tiempo ya usando este CMS pero no soy un guru asi que si todos nos apoyamos en esto sera posible hacerlo
que opinan ?
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::

Llevo algo de tiempo ya usando este CMS pero no soy un guru asi que si todos nos apoyamos en esto sera posible hacerlo

que opinan ?

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
Seria muy bueno que hubiera un foro/comunidad for Geeklog en Spanish porque asi tambien podriamos expresar nuestras dudas o ideas en nuestro idioma materno (yo soy Mexicana), esto tambien ayudaria a Geeklog a expanderse aun mas de lo que ya se ha expandido,Geeklog es un CMS verdaderamente bueno.
Yo hablo los 2 idiomas debido a ser maestra de ingles, uso mas el ingles por mi profesion y tambien porque la mayoria de los temas para discapacitados son mas leidos y buscados en ingles,pero pronto estare trabajando en una nueva version de mi website en espanol.
It'd be good having a forum/community in Spanish because in that way the latino/spanish members could express our ideas or questions in our own language (I am Mexican), in the same way, this would help Geeklog to grow up even more than it has done, Geeklog is a really good/excellent CMS.
I'm bilingual due to my profession (I'm an English Teacher),true I use muh more english than spanish for developing my job and work for my website, due to the fact that most of the disability issues are more searched and read in english,but soon I'll be developing a new version of my site in Spanish.
Wheels for Independence
Yo hablo los 2 idiomas debido a ser maestra de ingles, uso mas el ingles por mi profesion y tambien porque la mayoria de los temas para discapacitados son mas leidos y buscados en ingles,pero pronto estare trabajando en una nueva version de mi website en espanol.
It'd be good having a forum/community in Spanish because in that way the latino/spanish members could express our ideas or questions in our own language (I am Mexican), in the same way, this would help Geeklog to grow up even more than it has done, Geeklog is a really good/excellent CMS.
I'm bilingual due to my profession (I'm an English Teacher),true I use muh more english than spanish for developing my job and work for my website, due to the fact that most of the disability issues are more searched and read in english,but soon I'll be developing a new version of my site in Spanish.
Wheels for Independence
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Spanish !!
Verificando la totalidad de las votaciones no queda mas que decir, a partir de hoy queda abierto el foro Geeklog para la comunidad habla hispana. Esperando contar con el apoyo de todos los que manejamos este sistemas de contenidos con sus dudas y aportaciones para ayudar a otros,:helpme: Gracias a los que se molestaron en votar y les pueda ofrecer mucha ayuda en este sistema CMS Geeklog. Para entrar al Foro puedes ser a través de este [enlace] o por el menú principal de Sitio de Amigos. :banana:
Saludos !!
English !!
Verifying the totality of the votings it is not but that to say, as of today is open the Geeklog forum for the community speaks Hispanic. Hoping to count on the support of all those that we handled to this systems of contents with its doubts and contributions to help others, Thanks to which were bothered in voting and them it can offer much aid in this system CMS Geeklog. In order to enter the Forum you can be through this [ connects ] or by the main menu of Site of Friends.
Grettings !!
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
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Tenemos varias secciones en las que puedes postear tus dudas..
Si no hablas ingles muy fluido, aqui estamos, Geeklog Hispano !!
Text Formatted Code
We have several sections in which you can postear your doubts. If you do not speak ingles fluid very, aqui we are, Hispanic Geeklog!
Text Formatted Code
http://geeklog-hispano.koalasoftmx.netComunity Geeklog Hispanic is Now Online !!!!
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::

Spanish comunity of
geeklog such splash.
It´s migrate. It´s temporary out?
La comunidad hispana de Geeklog parece
haber caido.
No sé si es debido a un error temporal o si
ha sido desmontada permanentemente.
geeklog such splash.
It´s migrate. It´s temporary out?
La comunidad hispana de Geeklog parece
haber caido.
No sé si es debido a un error temporal o si
ha sido desmontada permanentemente.
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Esta en linea normalmente ..
puedes acceder desde:
o igualmente
Saludos !!
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puedes acceder desde:
o igualmente
Saludos !!

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
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Just to remind you that the site remains online Geeklog Hispano for wishing to consult it, just as are solicited for this task.
Solo para recordarles que sigue en línea el sitio Geeklog Hispano para los que deseen consultarlo, de igual forma se solicitan articulistas para tal tarea.
Saludos !!
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
Just to remind you that the site remains online Geeklog Hispano for wishing to consult it, just as are solicited for this task.

Solo para recordarles que sigue en línea el sitio Geeklog Hispano para los que deseen consultarlo, de igual forma se solicitan articulistas para tal tarea.
Saludos !!

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
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