Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:45 am EDT

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Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;


Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in c:ghosthunterssystemdatabasesmysql.class.php on line 112
Cannnot connect to DB server

I'm using php 4x latest (jan 13th release), Mysql 5.0

I already set the option to use old passwords, but that doesnt work
If i use php 5x then it just yells and says undefind mysql thingy. Any help? I searched the forum and one person said to reinstall but that doesnt work, and compiling is not an option unless you want to send me your php compiled thingy with the problem fixed. Thanks for the help!


anyone, please??!!

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
If the previous comments on the issue didn't help you, try a PHP forum. This is a problem with your server's setup and doesn't really have much to do with Geeklog.

bye, Dirk

All times are EDT. The time is now 06:45 am.

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