Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 12:40 am EDT

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Media Gallery - Gallery v1.x Import Script

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Registered: 02/08/04
Posts: 393
I have developed a import script for Media Gallery which will import your albums and images from Gallery v1.x. I've tested it on a quick install of Gallery, but would like to get a couple of other testers before I go public.

If you run Media Gallery now and had Gallery before, I would appreciate some testing help. If you run Gallery today and would like to see how Media Gallery compares, maybe you would be interested in testing. The import is safe, it does not touch the Gallery installation, just creates the albums and copies the images over to Media Gallery.

If you are interested in helping me test, please shoot me an email at mevans@ecsnet.com.


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