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Instant Music and Math Notation in Geeklog

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Registered: 05/26/04
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I'm a multimedia computer science researcher. The 'researcher' part means that I deal with quite a bit of math. The multimedia part means I also deal with music. So on my site, I have an on-going need to drop fragments of music notation and complex math equations into my postings.

About a year ago, I hacked in some changes that allow me to quote Lilypond fragments (for music) and LaTeX fragments (for math) in my Geeklog postings, and have them appear in fully rendered glory within my articles. Woo hoo! And the music notation also includes (for the same low price) a link to a MIDI version of the notated music and an MP3. Double Woo Hoo!

Well, today I finally got around to posting a step-by-step "How To" on my site. I don't promise it will make you more attractive to women, but it might.

If you want to see what it looks like, there's an example posting here.

And you can find the "How To" article here

This has been an opinion, brought to you by the fine people at Jefficus World.

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Registered: 01/19/05
Posts: 113
Hi Jeff,

Thanks a ton!! I will try to set this up on our group site over the weekend.

One last question: we also use Ewiki integrated with our geeklog install for keeping notes on little clippets of theory relevant to our work (on the same lines as your IMG Group site). If you could also post instructions on your site about integrating the tex and music features with ewiki, I promise never to bother you again Smile

I think the hacks you have made are going to make Geeklog more competitive than many other CMSs (or wikis like Mediawiki) as solutions for academic environments and blogging musicians alike.



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Registered: 05/26/04
Posts: 59
Actually, my solution started as an Ewiki extension which I then migrated to the rest of Geeklog. So adding it to Geeklog's EWiki plugin is about 4 lines of code. I've posted a second article on my site explaining what those 4 lines should be.

This has been an opinion, brought to you by the fine people at Jefficus World.

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