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Add bots to your Whos Online Block

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This little hack will show which bots are currently indexing your site. It uses the gl_sessions table. Just add the code listed below between the two snippets in function phpblock_whosonline in lib-common.php.

Text Formatted Code

    $result = DB_query( "SELECT DISTINCT uid,remote_ip FROM {$_TABLES['sessions']} WHERE uid = 1" );
    $num_anon += DB_numRows( $result );

<--------- Dont add the code above its just for reference

    for( $i = 0; $i < $num_anon; $i++ ) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray( $result );
        if(ereg("(^216.239.46|^64.68.8|^66.249.[64-95])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"Google")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Google" . '<br>';
        if(ereg("(^68.142.[192-255])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"Yahoo! Slurp")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Yahoo! Slurp" . '<br>';
        if(ereg("(^216.109.[112-127])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"Yahoo! Feed")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Yahoo! Feed" . '<br>';
        if(ereg("(^64.4.8.[93-94]|^64.4.8.[113-117]|^65.54.164.[36-135]",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"MSN Bot")) ) {
                        $retval .= "MSN Bot" . '<br>';

<-- Dont add the code below, its just for reference
    if(( $_CONF['whosonline_anonymous'] == 1 ) &&  
            ( empty( $_USER['uid'] ) || ( $_USER['uid'] == 1 )))


The strstr function insures that the bot is only listed once, but yet all of its IP addresses that are currently hitting your site is subtracted from the total anon users.



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In my last post, my regular expressions have some errors Embarassed

Here is the fixed code:

Text Formatted Code

for( $i = 0; $i < $num_anon; $i++ ) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray( $result );
        if(ereg("^216\.239\.46|^64\.68\.8|^66\.249\.(6[4-9]|[78]\d|9[0-5])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"Google")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Google" . '<br>';
        if(ereg("^68\.142\.(19[2-9]|2[01234]\d|25[012345])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"Yahoo! Slurp")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Yahoo! Slurp" . '<br>';
        if(ereg("^216\.109\.(11[2-9]|12[0-7])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"Yahoo! Feed")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Yahoo! Feed" . '<br>';
        if(ereg("^[3-4]|^[3-7]|^65.54.164.(3[6-9]|[4-9]\d|1[0-2]\d|13[0-5])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(strstr($retval,"MSN Bot")) ) {
                        $retval .= "MSN Bot" . '<br>';


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Thanks. I will give it a try. Can you be clear on where to place it in the phpblock_whoseonline section.
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Wouldn`t this be nicely rounded up with a line saying:

total registered users: xy

Dirk suggested to use this: DB_count($_TABLES['users']) but it appears to be only for very, very good coders... Rolling Eyes

I just found a block with a total members count: http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=42960

@ vadertech did you see where it has to be placed in the first posting above? It is the quoted code. "Don't add the code above its just for reference"

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Here is the latest regex stuff:

Text Formatted Code

if(eregi("^216\.239\.46|^64\.68\.8|^66\.249\.(6[4-9]|[78]\d?|9[0-5])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
               if ( !(stristr($retval,"Google")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Google<br>";
                          ^206\.190\.(3[2-9]|[4-5]\d?|6[0-3])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"Yahoo!")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Yahoo!<br>";
        if(eregi("^65\.(19[2-9]|2[0-1]\d?|22[0-3])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"Ask Jeeves")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Ask Jeeves<br>";
                          ^66\.196\.(6[4-9]|[789]\d?|1[0-1]\d?|12[0-7])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"Inktomi")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Inktomi<br>";
        if(eregi("^[3-4]|^[3-7]|^65.5[2-5]\.",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"MSN Bot")) ) {
                        $retval .= "MSN Bot<br>";


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Quote by 1000ideen: @ vadertech did you see where it has to be placed in the first posting above? It is the quoted code. "Don't add the code above its just for reference"

Ah now that I look at it, it makes sense.
GeekLog Hosting, Installations and Upgrades - WWW.AWEHOST.COM - Hosting starts @ only $4.95/mo.

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Hi, ByteEnable! I'd like to add some bots to your list, but don't know how to use regular expressions. Can you promt to me?

Here are IP's:

inetnum: -
netname: YANDEX-216
descr: Yandex search engine
country: RU

inetnum: -
netname: RAMTEL
descr: Rambler Telecom ISP main network
country: RU

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Yep, I also hardly understood the coding and would like to add some more IPs.

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Quote by romantaran: Hi, ByteEnable! I'd like to add some bots to your list, but don't know how to use regular expressions. Can you promt to me?

Here are IP's:

inetnum: -
netname: YANDEX-216
descr: Yandex search engine
country: RU
Text Formatted Code

if(ereg("(^213\.180\.[216-217])",$A['remote_ip']) ) {
     if ( !(strstr($retval,"Yandex")) ) { // if Yandex is not in display list then add it
                        $retval .= "Yandex" . '<br>';
     --$num_anon; // remove one ip from anonymous count because
                          // we just identified the IP as a search engine.


inetnum: -
netname: RAMTEL
descr: Rambler Telecom ISP main network
country: RU

Text Formatted Code

if(ereg("(^81\.19\.[64-66])",$A['remote_ip']) ) {
     if ( !(strstr($retval,"RAMTEL")) ) { // if Yandex is not in display list then add it
                        $retval .= "RAMTEL" . '<br>';
     --$num_anon; // remove one ip from anonymous count because
                          // we just identified the IP as a search engine.


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I think I made some mistakes earlier in my haste.

Text Formatted Code

if(eregi("^213\.180\.21[6-7]",$A['remote_ip']) ) {
     if ( !(strstr($retval,"Yandex")) ) { // if Yandex is not in display list then add it
                        $retval .= "Yandex" . '<br>';
     --$num_anon; // remove one ip from anonymous count because
                          // we just identified the IP as a search engine.


For Ramtel
Text Formatted Code

if(eregi("^81\.19\.6[4-6]",$A['remote_ip']) ) {
     if ( !(strstr($retval,"RAMTEL")) ) { // if Yandex is not in display list then add it
                        $retval .= "RAMTEL" . '<br>';
     --$num_anon; // remove one ip from anonymous count because
                          // we just identified the IP as a search engine.


I also upated my older IP's. I also noticed that if I had spaces or new lines inbetween the addresses that the ereg failed.

Text Formatted Code

// The strstr function insures the bot is only displayed once.
// $num_anon is decremented for each bot IP address.  Because a spider may
// have multiple IP's when it hits.
                if(eregi("^216\.239\.46|^64\.68\.8|^66\.249\.(6[4-9]|[78]\d?|9[0-5])|^72\.14\.(19[2-9]|2[0-5]\d?)",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                        if ( !(stristr($retval,"Google")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Google<br>";
        if(eregi("^68\.142\.(19[2-9]|2[01234]\d?|25[012345])|^66\.94\.(22[4-9]|2[3-4]\d?|25[0-5])|^216\.109\.(11[2-9]|12[0-7])|^206\.190\.(3[2-9]|[4-5]\d?|6[0-3])|^209\.191\.(6[4-9]|1[0-2][0-7])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"Yahoo!")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Yahoo!<br>";
        if(eregi("^65\.(19[2-9]|2[0-1]\d?|22[0-3])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"Ask Jeeves")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Ask Jeeves<br>";
        if(eregi("^72\.30\.|^68\.142\.(19[2-9]|2[0-5]\d?)|^66\.196\.(6[4-9]|[789]\d?|1[0-1]\d?|12[0-7])",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"Inktomi")) ) {
                        $retval .= "Inktomi<br>";
        if(eregi("^[3-4]|^[3-7]|^65.5[2-5]\.",$A['remote_ip'])) {
                if ( !(stristr($retval,"MSN Bot")) ) {
                        $retval .= "MSN Bot<br>";


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Yes, there was a problem with the ereg. Thank you!

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Does anyone have a working example of this? I keep getting unexpected $end at end of the file on a test site


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