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End membership?

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Can I have my members be automatically deleted from being a registered user after 1 year of membership?

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could be done with a cron script
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Registered: 01/04/05
Posts: 22
im too inexperienced to do something like that. Is there an easier way?

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Hmmm, isn´t it more a business process thing you are looking for instead of just deleting the users after a year ?

I could imagine the following.

User register himself and needs to pay a membership fee in order to access premium content.

Once the payment is received you activate the user.

Now, wouldn´t you rather see the following happening.

One month before the user will be deleted, he or she gets a friendly email, stating that his or her membership is open for renewal and is kindly requested to renew it, or otherwise, the user account will be deactivated.

The user then decides to pay or not.

When he or she pays, you extend the user membership for a year.
Else you remove the membership access.

Don´t delete the user as he or she might just forgot it and pays directly when he or she can´t login.

When you receive payments, you just activate the user again, and he or she keeps all his settings.

Cron is just a scheduler on *nix machines that automates things for you and for example executes a script every day or once a month.

You can also do this manual once a month, but I think your question should be process driven.

If you think my example doesn´t make sense, you don´t want to use a scheduler, and still have it automated, you could add the logic on login.

As soon as the user logs in, you check the registration date, if older than one year, delete.

Don´t forget to exclude yourself from the deletion process Mr. Green

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