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Turn script into block


Hey, there's a server status script from 53x11.com that really really would like to get into a block and have been poking at for about 2 hours trying to get it in with its HTML img option but no go Crying or Very sad

So I guess my next option is to try and make it into a PHP block, and since I don't know much about writing PHP I was hoping someone would be able to help me out praying it will work

I'm thinking it might be easy with an include function, but if not probably slap the code from the script right into lib-custom (somehow Shocked ).. but I really don't know where to begin.

I'm pasting the code now so I hope I don't irritate anyone Doh! - that was a mistake

Text Formatted Code

// WOW Server Status
// Version 3.2
// Copyright 2005 Nick Schaffner
// http://53x11.com

//////// Set the following variables, make sure to remain
//////// within the quotes.  You can substitute any varible
//////// (except Server Name) with a url to a image.

if (!$realm)

$server         = "Archimonde"; // Your full Server name, case sensitive

$up             = 'Server Up';          // Set your "Server Up" message
$down           = 'Server Down';        // Set your "Server Down" message
$max            = 'Max (Queued)';       // Set Maxed (Queued)
$high           = 'High';               // Set High Population
$medium         = 'Medium';             // Set Medium Population
$low            = 'Low';                // Set Low Population
$error          = 'Server Error';       // Set Error Message

$timer          = 10;                   // Minutes between status update refresh 0-60

if (!$image)
$generate_image = true;         // Set to TRUE if you would like the script
                                        // to automatically generate an image

if (!$display)
$display        = 'full';               // Set to 'half' to only display server status         
$folder_path    = '/images/wowss/';     // Path to wowss folder

$language       = 'english';            // Set to 'german', 'english' or 'french'

$url            = 'http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/serverstatus';

// World of Wacraft status page URL,
// change to http://www.wow-europe.com/en/serverstatus for Europeon servers
// change to http://www.wow-europe.com/de/serverstatus for German servers
// change to http://www.wow-europe.com/fr/serverstatus for French servers

//////// Configure what the script outputs as text
//////// Edit if you have a knowledge of PHP and HTML

function output($server,$servertype,$serverstatus,$serverpop) { return "

<u>$server</u> $servertype: <b>$serverstatus | $serverpop</b>

"; }

//////// PHP Magic Below, Don't Edit

$magic_array = array(min,server,servertype,serverstatus,serverpop,err);
if ($realm) $server = $realm;
if ($image == "true") $generate_image = true;
if ($image == "false") $generate_image = false;

// Check timestamp, update when ready

if (substr($folder_path, -1, 1) != "/") $folder_path = "$folder_path/";
$timestamp = $folder_path . "wowss_data.txt";
$min = date(i)*1;
$info = explode(",", file_get_contents($timestamp));
if (filesize($timestamp) == 0) { $pass = true; }
if ($min >= ($info[0]+$timer) or $min < $info[0] or $realm or $pass) {

// Get and format HTML data

$html = file_get_contents($url);
if ($html) {
$server = str_replace("", "",str_replace("'", "'", $server));
$length = strlen($server);
$pos = strpos($html, $server);
if (!$pos) { $error = "$error, check Realm name"; $err = true; }

// Figure out Serverstatus

$serverstatus = stristr(substr(substr($html, -(strlen($html) - $pos + 164)), 0 ,20), 'up');
if (!$serverstatus) {$serverstatus = 'down'; $serverpop = 'low';
} else $serverstatus = 'up';

// Figure out Servertype

$servertype = strtolower(substr(substr($html, -(strlen($html) - ($pos + 100))), 0, 150));
if ($language == 'french')  $types = array('jcj','normal','jdr');
else $types = array('pvp','normal','rp');
foreach ($types as $i) {
if (strpos($servertype,$i)) { $servertype = translate($i); break; }
if ($servertype == 'rp') { $length++; $servertype = 'Roleplay'; }
else if ($servertype == 'normal') $servertype = 'PVE';
else if ($servertype == 'pvp') $servertype= 'PVP';
else $err = true;

// Figure out Server Pop.

if (!$serverpop) {$serverpop = strtolower(substr(substr($html, -(strlen($html) - ($pos + 240))),0,150));
if ($language == 'german') $levels = array('warteschlange','hoch','mittel','niedrig');
if ($language == 'french') $levels = array("file d'attente",'lev','moyenne','faible');
if ($language == 'english') $levels = array('max','high','medium','low');

foreach ($levels as $i) {
if (strpos($serverpop,$i)) { $serverpop = translate($i); break; }

} else $err = true;

// Write info to data file for storage

if (!$realm) {

foreach($magic_array as $value) {
        $data = "$data" . $$value . ",";


$handle = fopen($timestamp,"w");
flock($handle, LOCK_EX);
fwrite($handle, $data);
flock($handle, LOCK_UN);


} // If timer isn't up yet, fetch old data and output

else {

        foreach ($info as $value) {
        $$magic_array[$i] = $value;

// Where to go and what to do function calls

if ($generate_image) {

        imgoutput ($server,$servertype,$serverstatus,$serverpop,$err,$folder_path,$display);

        } else {
        $serverstatus = $$serverstatus; $serverpop = $$serverpop;
        if (!$err) { echo trim(output($server,$servertype,$serverstatus,$serverpop));
        } else { echo $error; }


// Begin dynamic image generation function

function imgoutput ($server,$servertype,$serverstatus,$serverpop,$err,$folder_path,$display) {

$serverfont = $folder_path . 'silkscreen.ttf';
$typefont = $folder_path . 'silkscreenb.ttf';

header("Content-type: image/png");

// Error control

if ($serverstatus == "down") $serverpop = "offline";
if ($err){$serverstatus = "unknown"; $serverpop = "error";}

// Get and combine base images, set colors

$back = imagecreatefrompng($folder_path . strtolower($serverstatus) . '.png');

if ($display == "full") {

$backwidth = imagesx($back);
$bottom = imagecreatefrompng($folder_path . strtolower($serverstatus) . '2.png');
$serverpop = imagecreatefrompng($folder_path . strtolower($serverpop) . '.png');
$full = imagecreate($backwidth,(imagesy($back)+imagesy($bottom)));
$bg = imagecolorallocate($full, 0, 255, 255);
$red = imagecolorallocate($full,204,0,0); // HIGH Red color
imagecolortransparent($full, $bg);
$back = $full;

$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($back, 51, 51, 51);
$shadow = imagecolorclosest($back, 255, 204, 0);


// Ouput centered $server name

$maxw = 62;
$box = imagettfbbox(6,0,$serverfont,$server);
$w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]);

if ($w > $maxw) {
        $i = $w;
        $t = strlen($server);

        while ($i > $maxw) {
        $box = imagettfbbox (6, 0,$serverfont,substr($server,0,$t));
        $i = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]);

        $t = strrpos(substr($server, 0, $t), " ");

        $output[0] = substr($server, 0, $t);
        $output[1] = ltrim(substr($server, $t));
        $vadj = -6;

} else { $output[0] = $server;}

$i = 0;
foreach($output as $value) {

$box = imagettfbbox(6,0,$serverfont,$value);
$w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]);

imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2)+1, 58+($i*8)+$vadj, $shadow, $serverfont, $value);
imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2), 57+($i*8)+$vadj, -$textcolor, $serverfont, $value);


// Ouput centered $servertype

if ($servertype and !$err) {
$box = imagettfbbox(6,0,$typefont,$servertype);
$w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]);
imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2)+1, 85, $shadow, $typefont, $servertype);
imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2), 84, -$textcolor, $typefont, $servertype);





function translate($word) {
        global $language;
        if ($language == 'german') {

                if ($word == 'warteschlange') $word = 'max';
                if ($word == 'hoch') $word = 'high';
                if ($word == 'mittel') $word = 'medium';
                if ($word == 'niedrig') $word = 'low';
        if ($language == 'french') {
                if ($word == "file d'attente") $word = 'max';
                if ($word == 'lev') $word = 'high';
                if ($word == 'moyenne') $word = 'medium';
                if ($word == 'faible') $word = 'low';
                if ($word == 'jcj') $word = 'pvp';
                if ($word == 'jdr') $word = 'rp';
        return $word;


Thanks much.


I'd love to know the answer to this question too...

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