Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 10:53 am EDT

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Path Issues on a subdomain


Hi there,

I'm installing geeklog for the first time on a sub-domain I've created for a friend. I'm installing it using the method with the geeklog hidden files in the public directory (httpdocs) which is protected. For the record, the protected directory inside httpdocs is "geekcon"

so here's what I have in my config file

// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/httpd/vhosts/domain.com/subdomains/mercsinc/httpdocs/geekcon/'; // should end in a slash

// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/path/to/your/public_html/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/home/httpd/vhosts/domain.com/subdomains/mercsinc/httpdocs/';

I've changed my domain to domain.com cause I'm paranoid

to me that seems hunky dory but on the check.php page I get the following error.

Template Error: set_root: /home/httpd/vhosts/spiraloz.com/subdomains/mercsinc/httpdocs/geekcon//home/httpd/vhosts/spiraloz.com/subdomains/mercsinc/httpdocs/layout/professional is not a directory.

now it's pretty obvious that this is slapping those two paths that I put in the config file beside eachother, but if I change it to anything else I get more serious errors.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?

oh and cause I'm impatient I ran the install.php file, and got the same error at the success page. Once this issue is fixed am I able to run the install file again safely...will I even have to?

keep in mind I'm tired and it's late and if I've posted a re-occurring thread I apologise in advance.



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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by sebconn: $_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/home/httpd/vhosts/domain.com/subdomains/mercsinc/httpdocs/';

Change that to
Text Formatted Code
 $_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/httpd/vhosts/domain.com/subdomains/mercsinc/httpdocs/';

It actually says just that in the comments above that line ...

bye, Dirk


cheers, thought it might be something trivial

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