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Is This Possible?

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Hi everyone or should I say to all that view this and respond? Wink
I have a website that involves Satellites and or other relations to space. I was wondering if it was possible for someone to create or at least help me out with the code for a Center Block/Static Page that will display the Space Shuttle control panel featured here: http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2005/return.to.flight/

I would like to mirror/show the instrument panel shown to be displayed in a Center Block and Static Page.
I am not HTML inclined enough to know what the heck I am doing so I am asking for some help to provide the code to make this possible so that my visitors can keep tabs on the Shuttle's scheduled launch time.
I am not too sure but, I don't think it would take a whole lot for someone knowledgeable enough to figure out this request and make it possible. Thanx to all in advance for your help!
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The object you are referring to is mostly a flash object on the CNN site. Unless this is offered to them and to you by NASA then I would say you will have a tough time ripping it off. I doubt that anyone here will assist you in ripping off CNN but good luck.

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Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough. I am not trying to "steal" it. I was just wondering if it was possible to create this. I have sent CNN an email requesting permission to display it. Sorry, if I lead anyone to believe that the intent was to "steal" it as I know it infringes on Copyright Laws. Confused
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Well, not that I condone "ripping off" anyone, much less a huge multinational news agency like CNN (although it would be somewhat cool to get my name on national TV), I'm not going to be a d*** about it like Scurvy came across as (sorry if that was not your intention).

I don't use Flash, so I'm not an expert at it. However, this code I swiped after a quick Google seems to work:

Text Formatted Code
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="400" height="300" id="movie" align="">
<param name="movie" value="movie.swf">
<embed src="http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2005/return.to.flight/rtf.navigator_hold.swf" quality="high" width="449" height="294" name="movie" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" plug inspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

Now, since I was just now looking at Geeklog when I came across your post, actually getting it into a page is your problem.

PS: Be sure to link back to CNN's page so readers can easily check out their original and any additional information. Not to mention that's just morally right...

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Location:Great White North Eh!
LMAO! Thanks for your effort! Smile I still have not received an email back from them or should I even expect one?
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The easiest way is to view the source of the page. Then you seen how they do it.

Text Formatted Code
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript1.2">

if ( ( typeof CNN_FlashDetect != 'undefined' ) && new CNN_FlashDetect().detectVersion( 6 ) ) {

        try {
                var cnn_Scoreboard = new CNN_FlashObject(
                        "cnnScoreboard", "rtf.navigator_hold.swf",
                        449, 294, null, {
                                cYear: '2005',
                                cMonth: '6',
                                cDay: '13',
                                cHour: '19',
                                cMinute: '51',
                                cSeconds: '00'

        } catch ( e ) {

} else {
document.write("<img src='http://i.cnn.net/cnn/.element/img/1.1/sect/SPECIALS/shuttle.noflash.gif' width='449 height='294' usemap='#noflash' border='0''><map name='noflash'><area shape='rect' coords='325,237,417,276' href='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' alt='Flash Player' title='Flash Player' target='_blank'><area alt='' coords='67,188,326,208' href='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' alt='Flash Player' title='Flash Player' target='_blank'></map>");


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