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Google is not readnig the second part of the stories

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It only reads the first one. Anybody knows why is that. Is there a solution?


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If you're not using the professional theme, try adding a link to the headline, as described in the FAQ: Geeklog and search engines

bye, Dirk

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i think i did that and still google doesnt search it

can u check my site please, because if i click on header the whole article opens up so this must be it i guess?
i put this code in stotytext

Text Formatted Code
<a href="{article_url}">

but it says i have to put this
Text Formatted Code
<a href="{article_url}">{story_title}


if i put the second code i get two titles instead of one on top of aech story

so is the first code enough or not or do i have to put the second with story_title

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this is what you have now for storytext.thtml:
Text Formatted Code
                <div id="story-block">
                        <div class="story-header">
                                <span class="story-date"><img src="{layout_url}/images/dot-white.gif" height="20" width="1" alt="Small White Spacer">{story_date}</span>
                                <span class="story-options">{email_icon} {print_icon} {edit_link}</span>
                                        <div class="story-body"> <!-- class="story-body" -->
                                <div class="story-image">{story_anchortag_and_image}</div>
                                <div class="story-text">
                                        <div><a href="{article_url}" class="non-ul">
                                                <span class="storytitle">{story_title}</span><br></div>
                                                <span class="storyinfo">{lang_contributed_by} {start_contributedby_anchortag} {contributedby_user}{end_contributedby_anchortag}  </span><br>
                                                                                <div class="storycontent">{story_introtext}</div>

                        <div class="story-footer">{readmore_link} {recent_post_anchortag} <a href="{comments_url}">{comments_text}</a></div>


change it to look like this:
Text Formatted Code
        <div id="story-block">
            <div class="story-header">
                <span class="story-date"><img src="{layout_url}/images/dot-white.gif" height="20" width="1" alt="Small White Spacer">{story_date}</span>
                <span class="story-options">{email_icon} {print_icon} {edit_link}</span>
                    <div class="story-body"> <!-- class="story-body" -->
                <div class="story-image">{story_anchortag_and_image}</div>
                <div class="story-text">
                    <div><a href="{article_url}" class="non-ul"><span class="storytitle">{story_title}</span></a></div>
                        <span class="storyinfo">{lang_contributed_by} {start_contributedby_anchortag} {contributedby_user}{end_contributedby_anchortag}  </span><br>
                    <div class="storycontent">{story_introtext}</div>

            <div class="story-footer">{readmore_link} {recent_post_anchortag} <a href="{comments_url}">{comments_text}</a></div>

just closing your anchor tag and paying attention to how many times you place {story_title} in the template.

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