Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, August 31 2024 @ 11:35 pm EDT

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Yeah right!


Hmm...this should have been easy. I changed the body background color in style.css and then the story background also changed (of course, they're set to transparent..). Is there any way to change the background color outside the table without influencing the story backgrounds? I tried entering the bgcolor in the header and footer, but it didn't change a thing.

I'm using the professional theme.

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Besides the fact, that the topic isn't verry descriptive, I'm not sure wich part you mean by outside the table. The right and left blocks, or the space between stories and blocks???



I'm talking about the area surrounding the entire geeklog table, in a 100% width theme you don't notice it, but in a theme with 800px fixed wifth there're "blank" areas on the left and right side.

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I see...
I would use the body tag to colour that area and a div container around the table (start in header.thtml, end in footer.thtml) with a white background.



I've tried that, but it doesn't work, very weird. The background is still white.

Thnx for helping

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