Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 01:21 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Cannot see Admin Menu

Status: offline


Forum User
Registered: 05/09/05
Posts: 1
Thanks to the FAQ, and those forums.

After having successfully installed Geeklog on my Mac, I wanted to be able to view this site from my PC (I have some perso. theme to adapt) ; the config file was setted with an IP adress : $_CONF['site_url'] = ''
Waoo ! Prof. Theme looks splendid on the PC.
I play a little with the PC, log into with the Admin access, and everything is allright.
Then, I come back to my Mac, and ...no way to get the Admin menu !!!
Deleting caches, cookies, re-initializating browsers... nothing helps : still no Admin menu.
Mince alors !

$_CONF['site_url'] = ''


$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://localhost/blog/etc...' makes this menu reappear ! Youpi ! (even if from the PC, all pathes are wrong, now)

...very strange, isn'it ? Mr. Green


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